Modern colloquial Arabic language is divided into 5 groups of dialects, which in fact are separate languages ​​from a linguistic point of view. The dialect spoken in Tunisia, along with Algerian, Libyan and Moroccan, refers to the Maghreb (Western) group. For many years of colonization, the Tunisian dialect has absorbed many words from French, Italian and Turkish.

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Greetings, common expressions

Hello Aslyama (in general); esalamu aleikum (to several people)
Hello! Ahl! Salam!
Nice to meet you Nitsharfou
Bye Bislyama
See you! Ilya Llekaa!
How are you? Shnahuelek? (to 1 person) Shnahuelkum? (to several people)
Thank you, good Shukran, la be
Everything is fine Kolshe mărgel
You are welcome Brabby, yeaishek (request); Tfaddal (when we give anything)
Excuse me Samakhni (to 1 person), samhuni (to several people)
What is your name? Shnua is a hindrance?
My name is… Ismi ...
Does anyone here speak Russian / French / English? Femma shkun yitkelem bi-rusi / bil-inglisi?
How is it in Arabic? Kiefesh heza bil-arbi?
I do not understand Ma Nefhemsh
Yes Hey
No La

For the good of the business

Help me Aunni
I need ... (I need ...) Haazhti bi ...
Not necessary Mush lezem
Keep it Halley andek
I like you Inti agibni (to a man), inti azhbetni (to a woman)
Handsome / beautiful Misien / Misienne
Are you married? Inti Maars / Maars?
Can I kiss you? Nejem nbussek?
I love you Nhabbak
Honestly! Walla!
Shall we have fun? I'll bury the zhau?
Are you kidding me? Titmanyak aleiya?
You want everything at once! Kun - Fe Yakun! (literally "say" be! "- and will be")
Your carpet is of poor quality, give a discount Mush behi jesar surbiya mtak, amelli remise.
I just saw there is the same carpet and it cost less Tau-tau r'it nafs ez-serbia y somha arhas

Numbers and numbers

Zero Sfir
One Wahad
Two Tnin
Three Tleta
Four Arba
Five Anchovy
Six Satta
Seven Sebaa
Eight Tmania
Nine Tesaa
Ten Ashra
Twenty Ashrin
Twenty-one Wahad y Ashrin
Twenty two Tnin y Ashrin
Thirty Tletin
Forty Arbain
Fifty Khamsin
Sixty Sattin
Seventy Sabain
Eighty Tmanin
Ninety Tesain
Hundred Mia
One thousand Elf
Two thousand Alfin
Five thousand Hamsa Lef

Shops, hotels and restaurants

Do you have spare rooms? Andkum beat?
How many? Qaddesh?
Is free Blash
How much does a room for two people cost? Qaddesh el-lily fi bit double?
I will stay for five nights Bash Nokode Bahadekum Hamsa Lilat
I would like to buy… Nhab nishri ...
How much does it cost? Hasza caddes-el-som?
I do not like this Haza me agibnish
I take this Besh Nkhez Haza
A table for two, please Pure du dies, brab
Can I see the menu? Atini card
I want a fish Nhab hut
Is there fresh fish? Femma hoot trashka?
To your health! Ala Sahtak!
Waiter! Samakhni! ("Sorry", used to attract attention of the waiter)
Everything is very delicious Ring of Bunny Barsha
Arabic coffee, please Kahua arbi, brabi
Tea with pine nuts, please Tay bil-bunker, braby
Please give an account to Brabby, hsab
Do you accept credit cards? Najem nhalas bi-card?


How much is the ticket to ...? Caddesh el-tasquer did ...
Two tickets in ..., please Zuz taskerat is .., the brabee
How can I get ...? Kiefesh nezhem is it ..?
Please show on the map Brabby, uarini fir charita
Where can I buy a ticket? Do you know the nisri nisri tasker?
Does this train / bus stop at ...? Trinu / car heza meshi ..?
Taxi! Taxi!

We swear in Arabic

Leave it! Saybni!
Go away! Barra Rauah!
Leave me alone! Hallini Raid / Raid!
Dont touch me! Ma tmesnish!
Are you foolish or what? Mike la Bes inti?
A donkey! Bhim!
Shut up! Uskut!
Should I call the police? Nzhiblik is the beeline?
Let's see how you zapesh in the station! Tau nshufu sh'besh tahki fil-mărkaz!

Useful proverbs

Remembered the dog - prepare a stone Zkart el-Kelb - Khazarlu Mansba
All good is late Elli mljah - ebta
Who can not get the dates, says they are bitter Elli meh-yilhaksh en-nahlya, yekul sish
Who hit - hit, who ran away - ran away (did not fix it) Ellie the dragon - the dragon at Ellie the brave - the brave.
To bitterness is bitter Ma ilesic el-morr can ali amar minnu