We are planning to fly to Tunisia in the beginning of July on a tour package. Return on July 13. The validity of passports expires on September 29, 2010. It turns out that there are 2, 5 months at the time of return.

The website of the operator says: Russian citizens arriving in Tunisia for tourism purposes do not need a visa: it is enough to present a tourist voucher and a passport valid for three months after the return . We do not have time to issue new foreign passports. Other maintenance orders do not say anything about the validity of the passport. Can we fly on our current international passports?

Can they have problems at the border? And where exactly: when departing from Russia or at the entrance to Tunisia?

Responds Marina Zaikina, head of the Sri Lanka, India, Philippines and Tunisia department of the Russian Express company
Officially, the passport must be valid for three months at the time of return. Problems can arise only at the entrance to Tunisia. But as our practice shows: tourists flew with a passport with a validity period of less than two months and even less than a month.

For the last 5 years I have not heard of any case of deportation for this reason. Our partners and colleagues, too, did not have such cases in practice. But in any case, we warn that this is under the responsibility of tourists.

July 6, 2010

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