I am a citizen of Moldova. Can I fly to Turkey from Moscow, if I do not have a patent and, accordingly, can I go back to Moscow?

Responds Zaur Harikov, "Units" company
You probably mean a patent permitting labor activity in the territory of the Russian Federation? So this is not a question for us.

To enter, find and leave the territory of the Russian Federation for persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, relevant documents must be drawn up. For information on the rules for staying on the territory of the Russian Federation and for processing the relevant documents, you can find on the website of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation: www.fms.gov.ru.

If you have all the documents correctly formed, you can go to Turkey, where for of the citizens of Moldova, entry visas have been canceled, and to Europe, with which Moldova has signed a special agreement, but visas have not been canceled yet, but to other countries, provided all the entry rules are complied with.

July 15, 2014

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