What to bring to Turkey? The

Answered by Information department of the "Thinness of Tourism"
First of all, before any trip to a foreign resort, it is worthwhile to seriously think about how to collect a complete package of documents. So, in Turkey an adult person will need about three names:

1) Foreign passport with the right expiration date.

2) Insurance - more often it is issued by the tourist operator independently. However, it will make sense about its availability before departure.

3) Tickets for airplane and hotel voucher. It looks a bit trite, but the lack of tickets at the crucial moment often can serve as an excuse for carrying out the long-awaited vacation in the suburban area.

If a child is traveling with adults in addition to the trip, more documents need to be issued for him (birth certificate at least).

Experienced experts also advise in advance to stock up on sandwiches and a small amount of mineral, fresh water. Since waiting at the airport can be a little delayed, and buying simple meals will cost a public place at a not insignificant cost, sandwiches will clearly be considered a successful investment.

Without any doubt, the first aid kit will not interfere with those drugs that are usually required, as well as with those that must be used by certain individuals individually. What should not be forgotten in any case: headgear, sunscreen, remedy for headache, hangover (yes, yes, and this happens), from stomach pain and from gastrointestinal (poisoning) disorder.

Money can be taken and imported into Turkey in any quantity, in any currency and any denominations. Over the long years of tourism development in Turkey, they are accustomed to change everything that fits the definition of "money."

April 2, 2013

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