Tell me, please, what is the validity of the passport should be for entry to the UAE? At us a situation the following: the passport from the date of round is valid 5 months, from the date of the termination of round 4, 5 months. Flight of the Emirates Airways. Revised even the sites of tour operators: who has 3 months, who has 6 months. We need an exact answer. Help me please!

Responds Andrei Zorin, Unex company
The official term is 6 months, but visas are actually opened if there is at least 3 months.
Answer Svetlana Klyuchkina, Labyrinth company
In general, all tour operators have a minimum passport validity period of at least 6 months starting from the expected date of departure from the UAE. If you are going to make a visa through the tour operator "Labyrinth" , then passports are valid for less than 6 months, but more than 3 months from the expected date of departure from the UAE are accepted only under the responsibility of tourists.

In Moscow, you can open a visa yourself only through a tour operator or through an airline.

April 15, 2013

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