March 1
Weather in Kharkov Overcast

+5 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° С night , ° С water

March 2
Weather in Kharkov Overcast

+5 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С night , ° С water

March 3
Weather in Kharkov Overcast

+6 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° С night , ° С water

March 4
Weather in Kharkov Overcast, light rain

+5 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° С night , ° С water

March 5
Weather in Kharkov Overcast

+4 ° С in the afternoon, +2 ° С night , ° С water

March 6
Weather in Kharkov Overcast, light rain

+5 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° С night , ° С water

March 7
Weather in Kharkov Overcast

+6 ° С in the afternoon, -1 ° С night , ° С water

March 8
Weather in Kharkov Overcast, light rain

+7 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° С night , ° С water

March 9
Weather in Kharkov Clearly

+9 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° С night , ° С water

March 10
Weather in Kharkov Clearly

+13 ° С in the afternoon, +5 ° С night , ° С water

March 11
Weather in Kharkov Partly cloudy, light rain

+11 ° С in the afternoon, +8 ° С night , ° С water

March 12
Weather in Kharkov Clearly

+7 ° С in the afternoon, +5 ° С night , ° С water

The largest city of eastern Ukraine Kharkov is located in the south of the Central Russian Upland in the zone of the temperate climatic zone .The city is dominated by a moderately continental type of climate with a characteristic soft middle cold winter and a hot summer .Compared to other cities located in the same latitude, the weather in Kharkov has its own differences .So, the climate in Kharkiv is slightly warmer than in Moscow, but slightly sharper than in Kiev .Kharkov is located at the intersection of the steppe and forest-steppe zone, therefore it is practically not protected from free movement of air masses through its territory .In many ways the weather in Kharkov depends on the nature of the prevailing cyclones .

Meteorologists note that in recent years the Kharkov winter has become warmer and shorter.

Winter comes to the city by early December and, according to the calendar, ends in March .The nature of winter weather in Kharkov is extremely variable: every now and then cold is replaced by foggy thaws .In most cases, this is due to a change in wind direction .If the northern winds come to the city, the weather in Kharkov becomes clear and frosty; if the western - warm and rainy .On average, the air temperature in winter varies from -2 ° C to -7 ° C .Possible short-term severe frosts to -30 ° C, which usually fall on January or February .In this case, periods of thaws can be prolonged .Snow cover in the city is formed in December, but for a long time does not lie $ $ .Meteorologists note that in recent years the Kharkov winter has become warmer and shorter .

With the beginning of March comes the spring. Snow to this period can go down, and can and hold out until April. In the spring, the weather in Kharkov becomes extremely unstable. The beginning of spring is characterized by a large temperature fluctuation. So, by April, the daytime air temperature can reach +10 ° C, and at night it falls to frosts. By the way, frosts are possible even in May, but are rare. As a rule, the May weather in Kharkov is warm and clear, and closer to the end of the month it becomes practically summer.

Serial meteorological observations show that the norm of precipitation in the city can vary significantly from year to year. Therefore, Kharkov is equally prone to droughts and floods. However, so far only the problems of lack of moisture in soil and air are known.

Summer in the city is divided into two periods. In May and June, the weather in Kharkov is mostly humid, overcast, with an average air temperature of about +17 ° C. July and August are characterized by heat, low rainfall, possible droughts. The rains are mostly thunderous. The air temperature in the second half of summer can reach +30 ° C. Summer weather in Kharkiv lasts until the second half of September and longer.

Sometimes the Indian summer lasts until the end of October, providing a warm long autumn. Early autumn in Kharkov is most often accompanied by clear dry weather. But November can rightfully be called the most cloudy month of the year. If in October the air temperature is kept at +8 ° C on average, then by November it hardly retains a positive value. Often in November, climatic winter sets in, frosts are established, and snow falls.