March 1
Weather in Kiev Overcast

+7 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С night , ° С water

March 2
Weather in Kiev Overcast, light rain

+8 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° С night , ° С water

March 3
Weather in Kiev Overcast

+8 ° С in the afternoon, +3 ° С night , ° С water

March 4
Weather in Kiev Overcast, snow

+2 ° С in the afternoon, +3 ° С night , ° С water

March 5
Weather in Kiev Overcast, light rain

+3 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° С night , ° С water

March 6
Weather in Kiev Overcast

+3 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° С night , ° С water

March 7
Weather in Kiev Cloudy, rain

+1 ° С in the afternoon, -1 ° С night , ° С water

March 8
Weather in Kiev Overcast

+8 ° С in the afternoon, +2 ° С night , ° С water

March 9
Weather in Kiev Cloudy, rain ±​​$

+5 ° С in the afternoon, +3 ° С night , ° С water

March 10
Weather in Kiev Partly cloudy, light rain

+9 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С night , ° С water

March 11
Weather in Kiev Clearly

+15 ° С in the afternoon, +3 ° С night , ° С water

March 12
Weather in Kiev Partly cloudy, light rain

+9 ° С in the afternoon, +10 ° С night , ° С water

Weather in Kiev by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -2 -1 + 3 + 12 + 20 + 22 + 23 + 23 + 18 + 11 + 3 -1
night -9 -8 -3 + 2 + 8 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 8 + 2 -2 -5

In January,

January is the coldest month in Kiev. The weather forecast in Kiev in January is 5, 6 ° C. At night, the thermometer drops to -9 ° C. Of course, for someone it's nothing, but Kievites have enough to feel the delights of the winter.

It is the coldest in the capital of Ukraine during the "Epiphany frosts" - from January 18 to 25. The air temperature can drop to minus 12-15 degrees Celsius.

In January, snow in Kiev is almost every day. Basically, it is a soft snowfall, without strong gusts of wind. By the way, the average wind speed is 2, 8 m / s. Sometimes on the streets there is a fog, and on the roads - ice. So motorists in Kiev in the winter should be attentive.

In February

February is a bit warmer than Kiev's January. The average air temperature is -4.2 ° C. At night, the thermometer gives out minus 8, and in the daytime - minus 2 degrees Celsius.

Precipitation in February falls less, and the air becomes drier. The strength of the wind is approximately equal to January indicators, but a few days in February may be circling a snowstorm. It slightly influences the traffic, so the Kiev snowstorm can not be feared.

In March

The first spring month meets the people of Kiev with timid warmth. The temperature goes into a "plus", but for now it can hardly reach one or two degrees Celsius. At night all the same can be freezing - the thermometer shows -3 ° C.

In March, snow continues to snow in Kiev, however, it is less frequent. Sometimes a blizzard runs through, ice is formed - in general, the usual weather set for the European capital. But, if you're lucky, you can find dew on the leaves in the early morning.

In April

In April there is a sharp temperature jump. The city only just departs after the winter, as it immediately pounces on this spring. The temperature rises immediately to 10-12 degrees Celsius, and at night below zero no longer falls.

In Kiev in April, rains begin, sometimes with thunderstorms. Since morning motorists are waiting for a fog, but visibility, basically, is good. In general, the weather in Kiev in April is the beginning of preparation for the summer, and its main stage falls on the sumptuous May.

In May

In May, chestnuts blossom in Kiev - and, for the sake of this spectacle, it's worth visiting the Ukrainian capital. In the streets - indescribable beauty, and the air after a little rain filled with some indescribable scents.

In May, Kievites wear light clothes, the air temperature averages 16 ° C, and the night does not fall below 10 ° C.

In Kiev in May, it can be well charged with rains, so during the trip it is better to take umbrellas and windbreakers. And this month, the water in the Dnieper warms up to 16 ° C - the first bell for swimming lovers.

In June

The weather in Kiev in June is an average of 18-20 degrees of heat, sometimes the thermometer's column rises to +23 ° C. In the city it is not hot, you can even walk in the streets even during the hottest hours.

Rain in June is less, but precipitation with thunderstorms - more. Water in the Dnieper warms up to 20 ° C. Beaches are gradually filled with vacationers.

In July,

July is one of the hottest months in Kiev. The air warms up to 22-25 ° C, at night - up to 15 ° C. However, it is in July that most precipitation falls. The Dnieper is pleased with 22 degrees of heat. But swimming can easily be interrupted by rain. Such here is the climate in Kiev - here you both heat and rain.

This month the hottest weather is in the period from July 15 to July 20, it's worth considering when you go out to the street or visit the beach. If you think for yourself the Ukrainian July is too hot month, then wait for September. Because August on saturation of sunny days will be the same.

In August

August continues the July temperature tradition - the air in Kiev warms up to 24 degrees Celsius, sometimes up to 27 ° C. Sometimes it is August that becomes the hottest month in the Ukrainian capital. But this is as lucky. Drain is diluted with short rains. In general, there is a good European summer. Well, for beach men, August is right as it is right: the water temperature in the Dnieper reaches 23 ° C.

In September,

Autumn in Kiev comes slowly. There are no sharp temperature jumps. So the residents are preparing for the cooling in advance. In September, the air temperature drops to an average of 14-15 ° C, at night to 8 degrees Celsius. It's still quite a warm month, although the humidity of the air and wind power are already rising in Kiev.

Interestingly, the rain in September in Kiev is getting smaller. The water in the Dnieper is colder, compared to the summer months, the temperature drops to 17 ° C.

In October

Kiev October is already real autumn. In the daytime on the street no more than 9 ° C, at night - no more than 4 degrees of heat. The wind intensifies and changes its direction, becomes northeast.

In October, little rain falls in Kiev, rains are rare. But in the mornings, fog appears more often, and in the pre-dawn hours a thin crust of ice can form on the road.

In November,

Two or three degrees of heat - the Kiev weather will not make you happy any more. At night, the thermometer's column drops below zero. Puddles frost in the early morning, ice appears on the roads. Humidity of air in Kiev increases to 85%, snow takes place every 2-3 days. In the mornings there may be fog, sometimes strong enough.

In December,

The Kiev winter begins mildly, in December the temperature drops to an average of -2 ° C, at night to -5 ° C. With snow, the situation is twofold: it happens that people can not wait for it for a long time, and sometimes December becomes snowy.

December morning, residents of Kiev sometimes wait for the fog, in the daytime they can cover the snowstorm. On the roads more often there is ice. The wind intensifies and sometimes is very unpleasant.