Berdyansk is the capital of the Azov health resorts and the southern sea gate of the Zaporozhye region, where the tourist life boils in the summer and does not die even in the cold season. Local waters contain more than one hundred chemical elements that favorably affect the skin and the whole body. In Berdyansk there are mineral waters and sulphide-mud mud, which includes organic and inorganic substances, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and biological stimulants.

Phone Numbers

8-10-38-6153-phone number

How to get to

Having learned that there is an airport in the city, do not rush to rejoice. For a long time he did not perform regular air transportation, occasionally serving charter flights. Attempts to establish the airport the city administration conducts, there are periodic reports of the imminent opening, but, alas, more often, as it was in 2010, they are premature. Perhaps this important event will happen this year, but there is no exact data yet.

So you can fly to Donetsk or Zaporozhye, and from there you can get to Berdyansk by bus. You can fly to these airports from large cities of Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Greece, Spain, Egypt and other countries.

Search for air tickets to Donetsk (nearest a / p to Berdyansk)

By Bus

From Donetsk several times a day there are direct buses to Berdyansk, the ticket for them costs 60-66 Ukrainian hryvnia (5.3-6 euros). There are flights going through Mariupol, if you go from this city, then you can sit down on them. Rather, there will most likely not be seats, but the bus will take passengers. You can also get directly by road from Zaporozhye, Melitopol, Mariupol, Odessa, Lugansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, from Rostov. Here you can specify the actual bus schedule from the station where you are going to leave to Berdyansk.

By train

From Ukraine, Russia or Belarus to Berdyansk you can come by train .Either direct, or with the subsequent transfer to the bus, as mentioned above .Direct trains connect the resort with Moscow (about 24-25 hours on the road, 3851 Russian rubles space in the compartment, 2026 .70 reserved seats), St. Petersburg (non-stop cars), Kiev (17 .5 hours on the road, 93 .25 UAH or 8 .25 EUR reserved seat for a seat, 139 .52 UAH or 12 UAH.34 EUR coupe), Zaporozhye.The train timetable can be found on the official website of Ukrainian Railways .In addition, in the summer season this year there will be a direct train Ilovaisk - Berdyansk .It is assumed that she will walk on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, cost about 17 UAH (1 .50 euros), belong to the class of electric trains of increased comfort, which is important, since the journey time is about 8 hours .The

The fare is indicated in May 2011. 

Berdyansk is a city of joy (part 1)

How to navigate in the city

The city is located on the smoothly rising coast so that it can be divided into three regions: the highest, Nagorny, is farthest from the water, therefore, there are mainly houses of local residents, a military town. It can easily be counted as the so-called "sleeping" areas.

A little lower is the Lower District - a place for the celebration of Berdyans and visitors, as well as administrative buildings and institutions (such a local "City").

And, finally, the Berdyansk spit, which cuts into the Azov Sea for 20 km. It, in turn, is also divided into three parts: Near, Middle and Far. At the last preserved fishing village, the whole braid is occupied by recreation centers. You can get to it on the city bus number 15, numerous fixed-route taxis and boats. It is on the scythes are the beaches, always ranked first in the ranking of more than 70 city bathing places.

Map of Berdyansk

Cuisine and restaurants of Berdyansk

Sea of ​​Azov is not in vain called "fish". And, of course, the resort towns on its shores skillfully use the sea riches. In Berdyansk there is a restaurant, which serves dishes from fish caught right there. It is called "Fish penthouse" and is located on the street. Schmidt, 1. Attention gourmet deserves not only dishes from seafood, but also Ukrainian cuisine in general.

You can join her in a picturesque restaurant "Skiba", located at the same address .For a family holiday with children, the "Snow Queen", a cafe on Pr .Labor, 31g-6 .There is no smoking, there are no alcoholic drinks on the menu, but there is a wide choice of dishes and desserts for a full lunch .Lunch and skip a glass can be in cafes and restaurants at local hotels, for example, in the cafe-bar "Eden" on pr .Lenin, 49a, on the waterfront - "Fregat" on the street .Gorky, 43, Maxim, St. Petersburg.Embankment, 3 .You can get a job on the beach, in the cafe "Violis" on the far spit, ul .Pushkarev, 5, or literally with access to the sea, as in the "Karakatice", located in the Sailorska Slobodka, near the fishermen's club .The

Berdyansk - the nature created mud baths. In many sanatoriums, recreation centers and spa salons of the city, there are sessions of thalassotherapy and mud treatment from the surrounding lakes and estuaries.

Shopping and shopping

In addition to tents with all sorts of classic sea souvenirs (ornaments from shells, stuffed fish and crabs), you can visit major shopping centers in Berdyansk. Among them, a representative of the well-known supermarket chain Amstor on Proletarsky Prospekt, 13/17, an extensive Azov Plaza (Lenina Avenue, 7), Equator (Proletarsky Avenue, 13/17), which is free buses, and shopping and entertainment complex Del Mar on Lenin Avenue, 35a.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Berdyansk

For a long time Berdyansk was known as a resort with excellent fine sandy beaches and a small, fresh, but very warm sea .There are a lot of interesting things here: you can try your hand at windsurfing and yachting, sea fishing, go on excursions to the Upper and Lower Beacons of the city, to the reserve at the Berda river, by boat to the islands Big and Small Zenzik .Children will need to be reduced to the zoo and water park "Cape of Good Hope" (adults will not get bored there either!), As well as to local museums .There are a lot of them: the local lore, art museum, the museum of the city, the Schmidt museum, the museum "Podvig" .And there are cultural events: festivals of folk art, hip-hop culture, oriental dance, children's creativity, film festival, KVN "Humor at the blue sea" ... And in the evenings you can just walk around the parks and embankments of the city, admiring the city sculptures and breathing the curative air of the resort The .The

Treatment in Berdyansk

Berdyansk - the very nature created mud baths .In many sanatoriums, recreation centers and spa salons of the city, there are sessions of thalassotherapy and mud treatment from the surrounding lakes and estuaries .Even if you just came to rest and lie in the sun, take a couple of procedures to relax and feel brisker .The resort treats diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and respiratory system, skin diseases, metabolic disorders and endocrine system diseases. .The Photo of Berdyansk (20)