People appeared on the territory of Ukraine in the era of the Early Paleolithic .Instruments of labor of these people found in Transcarpathia, Transnistria, Crimea, Donbass and Zhytomyr region .Many different tribes, sedentary and nomadic, drove each other from fertile lands, many of the invasions survived this territory, until in 9-10 centuries the Russian state began to form with the capital in Kiev - Kyiv Rus .Power received the Rurik dynasty .In 988, the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich adopted Christianity and declared him the state religion .In the 12th century, Kievan Rus fell into independent principalities, of which Kiev, Chernigov, Galicia, Vladimiro-Volynsk, Pereyaslav and partially Turovo-Pinsk were found on the territory of modern Ukraine..This was the period of the raids of the Pechenegs, and then the Polovtsians, the period of the formation of statehood, when the principalities united, disintegrated, rivaled .It was at this time that Kiev began to lose the status of an all-Russian center and by the 13th century had come to desolation and decline..The

Middle Ages

13-16 centuries were marked by the transition of part of the Ukrainian lands under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, part - to the Polish kingdom, the Moldavian principality and Hungary. A Lithuanian-Russian state was formed, in which 80% of the population were Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. In the 15th century, a significant event for Ukraine occurred: the Cossack movement was born. Cossacks were engaged in military work at first, and the Cossacks in those days was not a social status, but an occupation and a way of life.

Subsequently, the Cossack movement had quite a serious weight in the life of the Ukrainian state.

In Ukraine, from 1591 to 1638, a wave of peasant uprisings swept over large areas, military operations took place with Lithuania, the Cossacks were compelled to ask help from United Russia. In 1654 the Pereyaslavl Rada was convened, which declared the transition of the lands under the control of the insurgents under the Russian protectorate.

Red corner in the hut, Mamaev Sloboda, Kievhttp: // export = view & id = 1R81h-f6NZi05kyQjlX6L3ujjHU7segem History of Ukraine
Mill in Mamaev Sloboda, Kievhttp: // export = view & id = 1lAuLJGaCDDbWe0_EUuHD1L35PwVyON6B History of Ukraine
Swallow's Nest, Yalta History of Ukraine

18-20th century

Once again, Ukraine was torn to pieces in the late 18th century, then after the First World War. On December 30, 1922, Ukraine became part of the USSR, but this did not end the territorial problems, so many European countries were dragged into the political struggle for such a tasty morsel as Ukraine. Systematically there were problems in this or that area or in the Ukrainian territories that had passed to other countries, we can say that for a moment the tension connected with territorial and national problems in this country did not fall.

A very difficult time for Ukraine was the Great Patriotic War, when a huge part of its territory was occupied by Hitler's troops, wealth was plundered, and the population was put on the brink of survival, but not on its knees. Postwar years were marked by a rapid revival of industry, roads were restored, new houses were built.

In some cities, the destruction was catastrophic, it was necessary to erect whole streets anew: in Kiev, Lviv, Chernigov, Odessa. The

Traditionally, Ukraine remained a source of agricultural products for much of the Soviet Union.

Contemporary history

When, it would seem, life was established, Ukraine suffered a huge catastrophe of anthropogenic nature: on April 26, 1986 there was a reactor explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat, very close to the Ukrainian capital and other large settlements. .A huge part of the territory was contaminated with radioactive radiation and unfit for life - with very indistinct forecasts for the future .Experts in literally from all the republics of the Soviet Union participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the explosion, but not all of their efforts were crowned with success: Pripyat still remained abandoned by the dead city .The

I must say that in Ukraine there are many travel companies offering tours of this city, but none of them takes responsibility for the health consequences of the tourists, which is what the corresponding agreement is signed.

This catastrophe not only undermined the economy of Ukraine (the station produced 10% of the electricity needed by the republic), but also had a significant impact on the world economy. .Within 20 years after the explosion, under public pressure, no nuclear power plants were built in North America or Western Europe, and about a dozen construction projects and nuclear power plant projects were conserved in the USSR .Until now, experts have not come to a single conclusion about the causes of the accident, considering a variety of options, from a local earthquake to the mistakes of operators .The

The disintegration of the USSR in 1991 gave a new impetus to the struggle for Ukrainian independence, although it was not always clear that independence was due to the fact that Russia and Ukraine are linked not only by historical and cultural ties, but also by the strongest ties that can be, relationship between the citizens of these countries .Some pro-nationalist movements advocated extremist actions, the Orange Revolution brought discord to the country, the actions of its leaders were controversial, the consequences of the dramatic .But the situation is gradually coming to a balance, at least in Ukraine, tourists from Russia are welcome, because tourism is one of the branches of the economy that brings real money to the budget of Ukraine, and the friendship of the people (and it is important not only on the poster, but also in reality) strengthens .The