Balneological resort Polyana is located at an altitude of 300-400 meters above sea level, 9 km from the city of Svalyava and 20 km from Mukacheve. On its territory there are two large sanatoriums - "Sunny Transcarpathia" and "Polyana", as well as private hotels, recreation centers and several separate cottages for a large family or company. Despite the health-improving orientation of the resort, it is ideal for a quiet family holiday in an ecologically clean place, and in the winter season as a base for beginners.

Phone numbers

8-10-38-3133-phone number

How to get here

You can get to this "hotbed of health" first by train to Uzhgorod (or by plane to Rovno), and then by bus. Of the other major cities are located near Ivano-Frankivsk (but to get from it is not very convenient), Ternopil and Lviv, they also have a bus service to Polyana. If regular bus flights do not suit you, you can get to Svalyava first, and then to the resort by bus or taxi.

Search for tickets to the city of Rivne (the nearest airport to Polyana)

Climate Glade

The climate here is mild, summer and autumn are warm, and winters usually pass with a slight frost and plenty of snow. Thus, vacationers have the opportunity to practice winter sports in winter, and in summer to bathe in an artificial lake, a pool with natural heating or the Malaya Penya river.

Map Polyany

Medical profile and sanatorium services

Health resorts specialize in treatment chronic diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer diseases of the stomach and duodenum, erosive gastritis (duodenitis) in the presence of ulcers or erosions, but without acute inflammations requiring immediate surgical intervention . Lechen it is based on the use of local mineral waters "Glade Kvasova" and "Glade Kupel", and the main procedure is the use of water inside . Also used for gastrointestinal tract treatment are gastric lavage, duodenum and large intestines, common carbonic mineral baths and much other .

However, the health programs of the resorts Glades are not "fixated" exclusively on ulcers and gastritis . Last, like many chronic diseases, often entail a whole "bouquet" of diseases, and additional types of The health benefits of the whole organism and the health of those who came to the sanatorium "for the company" (this option is often chosen by married couples) . Mineral and conifer baths, as well as various types of massage and physiotherapy, contribute to the treatment disorders of the musculoskeletal system; special procedures are provided for the solution of gynecological problems; respiratory diseases are successfully treated with inhalation, aerosolarium and climatotherapy (on the territory of one of the sanatoria there is an artificial lake with running water and a recreational arboretum), and all this together with aromatherapy helps to relieve stress. .

Entertainments, excursions and sightseeing Glades

As already mentioned above, the resort has all the necessary infrastructure, including entertainment, for a comfortable and boring rest. There is a post office, an Internet cafe, a restaurant and a lot of cafes and bars, a cafeteria, a cafeteria, pharmacies, shops and a market on the Polyan territory.

The local mineral water source "Polyana Kvasova" itself is located on the territory of the modern sanatorium "Solnechnoe Zakarpattya" ". The source is known since the 18th century. In Ukraine, mineral waters with natural carbon dioxide are called "kvass", "kvass". At first, water from the Polansky spring was taken out by barrels, and in 1840 it was bottled on an industrial scale and exported to Europe under the name "Polyanskaya."

This unique water contains several times more hydrocarbons than the world-famous Borjomi and the whole one glass of it is enough to get rid of heartburn. This water is successfully treated by diseases not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the joints.

There are playgrounds for volleyball, badminton and ping-pong players for sports support athletes, and in the sanatorium "Solnechnoe Zakarpattya" - a football field and tennis courts. In winter, for fans of mountain skiing and snowboarding lifts, you can also ride on sleds and skates.

Experienced skiers are unlikely to satisfy both local routes and the quality of the snow cover. For them, one-day trips are recommended to Volovets and Mezhgorye.

On the day off, you can book a bus tour outside Polyana - in the cities of Svalyava, Uzhhorod, Mukachevo and others. Among the local sights you should visit: the Museum of Local History and the St. Michael's Church of the 16th century in Svaliava, as well as the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Uqlin; in Uzhgorod you can visit the Uzhhorod Castle, the Town Hall, the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, the Regional Art Museum, the Stone Footbridge, and Nevitsky Castle, 12 km from Uzhgorod.

For those who like extreme and magnificent panoramas, one the local company organizes hot air balloon flights.