Odessa is a cultural center and a pearl of Ukrainian resorts. According to the latest information, this resort is one of the first places in terms of accessibility for tourists. However, everything depends on the needs and the level of recreation.

Come to Odessa

To get to Odessa citizens of Russia is most convenient on the train. The fare varies from 3,700 rubles to 9,000 rubles, depending on the conditions of travel. Air ticket to Odessa is estimated at 4,000 rubles.

A trip to Odessa for a weekend for one person will cost from 4000 rubles. The trip to the holiday "Yumorina" lasting 3-4 days will cost approximately 6500-8000 rubles. But a tour of Odessa with a detailed inspection of all the sights will cost from 12,000 rubles per person.

Transport in Odessa

Getting to Odessa from the airport is most convenient by taxi. It takes a minimum of time and 100-150 hryvnia. Tickets for public transport in Odessa are from 2, 50 hryvnia. But more fun than walking on the most beautiful streets of the city is difficult to imagine. Nicely nice, useful and, most importantly, free! The

Theater Square, Opera House in Odessahttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1e0z - e_xR_nWj-smcW30tpZP6rUP9UGq Prices in Odessa
What to do in Odessa? Go to the theater
Yachts in the port of Odessa Prices in Odessa
Ride on a yacht ...
Odessa, port Prices in Odessa
or whole ship! The

Rental housing

In the hotel 3 * single room will cost from 800 hryvnia. In the hotel 5 * suite will cost from 2000 hryvnia per night. You can rent an apartment in the city - 200 UAH per day.

At the height of the holidays or the summer season, house prices are rising significantly. The best time for visiting Odessa from the point of view of economy is the end of May and September. Weather at this time favors, and prices do not "bite" too much. To services of tourists the developed system of online booking.


Meals in Odessa can not be called cheap. If you eat in restaurants and cafes, the most modest dinner will cost 200 hryvnia per person. Of course, a visit to a fashionable restaurant will take an even larger amount of money. And yet, if you want to get the full pleasure from the trip, you can not exclude the national Ukrainian cuisine. In Odessa, a wide selection of cafes and restaurants of Ukrainian cuisine. Here you can please for every taste - and a purse. The average price of lunch is 150 UAH.

For tourists and visitors during the season, there are numerous confectionery and small coastal cafes. It serves delicious cakes and refreshing drinks. Prices in such institutions are moderate - you can have a snack for 50 hryvnia. However, the closer the cafe is to the sea, the more expensive it is.

Of course, the cheapest option is to prepare yourself. The prices are as follows: bread - 3, 50 UAH, a liter of milk - 7 UAH, sausage - 50 UAH / kg., Cheese - 60-80 UAH / kg. Fresh vegetables in the midst of the summer season from 2 UAH / kg, fruits from 3 UAH / kg, berries are more expensive - for 1 kilogram ask from 20 UAH. Tea and coffee - from 10 hryvnia per 100 grams. A half-liter bottle will cost from 4 hryvnia, wine from 20 hryvnia. There is an opportunity in Odessa to visit the tasting of the best wines of Crimea - the price of a visit is from 250 UAH. For more details, see the shops of Odessa.


One should not leave Odessa's museums without attention, the price of one excursion is from 20 UAH per person. At the same time, prices in museums are formed from the number of people in the group: the more it is, the cheaper the visit will cost. Theaters and concert halls, other cultural centers in Odessa offer events for every taste and purse: from 10 hryvnia per person to 250. The guest performers take even more.

Visiting the Odessa water park will cost from 220 hryvnia, and a two-hour walk on the boat "Bon Voyage" - 250 hryvnia per person. For children there are children's tickets at half price, as well as all kinds of entertaining complexes of rather budgetary quality.

Bus excursions

Excursion tourism in Odessa is raised to a high level. There is a wide choice of bus excursions. Visit the "Temples of Odessa" within a three-hour excursion will cost 50-60 hryvnia. Hadzhibey Fortress "The Mystery of the White City" - the cost of 120 hryvnia. "Secrets of the Odessa catacombs" - from 50 hryvnia per person.

By the very Odessa on different routes there are buses with sightseeing tours. Qualified guides tell about all the sights of the Southern capital. Tickets can be purchased directly from the guide, the price is from UAH 50 per person.

Currency in Odessa is recommended to exchange in banks. For convenience, you can use credit cards, since there are ATMs in almost every major store.

In the markets of Odessa you can bargain. In the cafe it is advisable to leave 5% of the order amount for tea.