Eton College
Windsor, Berkshire SL4 Alma Mater immediately 20 English Prime Ministers of Great Britain, Eton College is probably not in vain considered one from the most aristocratic educational institutions of Her Majesty the Queen. This private British school for boys was founded in 1440 by Henry VI.
Cambridge University
CB2 1TN, Cambridge, Trinity Lane One of the oldest and largest English universities Cambridge University was founded in 1209. Already in the 13th century, in Cambridge formed the humanitarian, legal, theological and medical faculties. Since that time and to this day, Cambridge in the world rankings of universities has always ranked the highest places, competing with Oxford for the title of the best university.
London University
London, Malet Street, Senate House, University of London One of the largest universities in the UK according to the number of students is the University of London, which includes 18 independent colleges. Here, 120 thousand students from 130 countries study. In this university is given a fundamental classical education.
Manchester University
Manchester, Rd Oxford Manchester University is one of the most important higher education institutions in the UK, Also in the first line of the ratings of the best universities around the world. The foundation date of the university is 1824 - in fact it is the date of foundation of the mechanical institute.
Oxford University
OX1 2JD, Oxford, Wellington SquareThe university town of Oxford, located north-west of London, has become famous thanks to one of the oldest higher education institutions in the world. Of the 150,000 people in the city, one in five is a student. However, the atmosphere of casual fun, a thirst for knowledge and a sincere faith in science attracts not only those wishing to study in this place.
St Andrews University
University of St Andrews St Andrews University is located in Scotland, in the town of St Andrews , right on the shore of the North Sea. It is the oldest university in Scotland and the third in its founding in the whole of Great Britain - it was established by a papal bull just after the famous universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Generally speaking The British are accustomed to divide everything into groups and give names to different categories. So it is with universities. So, the ancient universities are Oxford and Cambridge in England, as well as four universities in Scotland (in Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Aberdeen and Glasgow) and another in Ireland - Dublin. To replace them in the very beginning of the 20th century, new universities were reorganized, transformed from colleges of applied disciplines.
Buildings of academic buildings and campuses of many new universities were built of red brick - hence the name for this distinctive feature . Originally, this name was dismissive: how can universities, grown up from ordinary colleges, compete with old universities that have gained a reputation for centuries? New universities developed rapidly, but were perceived as "upstarts" against the background of old universities.
However, with the opening of even more new universities - in the 60s. 20 century - the term "red brick" became a symbol of high respectability. "Old new" universities are no longer equated with upstarts, as they have proved their right to exist with a high level of education of graduates. There was a new term - "universities of sheet glass" - this was the new universities, to which belonged the University of Sussex and the University of East Anglia, as well as some others. - $
Thus, out of three different time groups of universities, a full picture of higher educational institutions of the UK has formed . Today, many ATU has the status of state, but no such thing as free training from the British do not exist - have to pay and local residents, and international students .But the cost of training is justified - as we said above, British education is considered one of the best in the world, as it uniquely combines the centuries-old traditions and the latest technology training, as well as the latest equipment and high professionalism of teachers .
Anyone can enter the country's universities, but the most important requirement is an excellent knowledge of English. If you are going to come here, you can raise the level of English in special courses - Foundation - it's something like preparatory courses. During their passage, foreign applicants in addition to specialized training can pass an intensive language course, as well as learn more about what education in the UK is, and on what terms it is provided.
For example, the University of Glasgow in Scotland, established by the papal bull in the distant 1451 g ., is a real castle in the Gothic style with an abundance of towers and sharp spiers .And the brightest example of the "red brick" universities is today the Royal Holloway University in London..The building of a bright red brick, which did not fade with time, was styled under the Château de Chambord castle in France - an architectural masterpiece of the Renaissance .Oxford University is the second oldest in the world and the oldest university in the UK .Founded presumably in 1096 g .the University occupies a magnificent ancient complex of buildings in Oxford, among which the Bodleian Library, the Radcliffe Round Rotunda and the Magdalene College .
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