January 01, 2015 - April 12, 2015

Stanley Cup

Holidays and Events in USA The phrase "Stanley Cup" forces to beat more often the hearts of many hockey fans. The Stanley Cup is the coveted prize given to those who passed the fire, water and the copper pipes of the playoffs of the National Hockey League.

April 3rd, 2015 - April 04, 2015

Beer Festival in Portland

Holidays and Events in USA It's no surprise that Oregon knows something about beer, because some of the key ingredients that turn beer into beer can be found right in the backyard of any home. That's why the return of spring is celebrated in the Spring Beer and Wine Fest festival in Portland.

April 10th, 2015

World Festival of Oatmeal

Holidays and Events in USA The World Festival of oatmeal is celebrated annually on the second Friday of April in the American town of St. George, South Carolina. The festival lasts three days. So during the holiday oatmeal not only eat at speed, but even roll around in it.

July 04, 2015

US Independence Day

Holidays and Events in USA In a country where national holidays are traditionally celebrated with unanimity and scope, such an important date as the Independence Day could not but take its place of honor in the calendar. For more than two hundred years in the United States, there have been festivities dedicated to the country's birthday as a free state.

August 06, 2015 - August 08, 2015


Holidays and Events in USA The American festival Lollapalooza was invented in 1991 by the singer of the band Jane's Addiction Perry Farrell. It was a farewell tour of the musicians, and therefore the festival was at first roaming. Nevertheless, Lollapalooza became popular and was held until 1997, then reborn again in 2003.

August 24, 2015 - September 1, 2015

Burning man

Holidays and Events in USA Once a year in the middle of the Black Rock desert in the United States, dreamers come together for eight days turning lifeless sands into a world of an ephemeral, unpredictable future. After eight days, only ashes will remain from him.

October 03, 2015 - October 05, 2015

Beer Festival in Denver

Holidays and Events in USA Denver has long been considered a kind of western Munich, and the festival only confirms this title. The Great Beer Festival of the United States was born in 1982, and since then it has been held annually from October 3rd to October 5th in Denver, Colorado.

October 11th, 2015

Zombie Festival in New York City

Holidays and Events in USA The notion of "zombies" in popular culture refers to a walking dead man, animated by someone's evil whim, who does not have his own will and only executes orders. As a rule, a zombie crowd runs after people in the hope of snatching a piece of them fatter.

October 23, 2015 - November 1, 2015

Fantasy Festival

Holidays and Events in USA Subtropical Florida is the site of one of the most bizarre festivals in the US, with lots of naked body, bright costumes and body art. The beginning was made in 1979, when two businessmen decided to revive the local tourist industry of Key West.

October 31, 2015


Holidays and Events in USA The international gathering of evil spirits takes place every year on October 31, immediately after dark. It is on the night of November 1, that Halloween is celebrated all over the world, dressing up in witches and ghouls, wearing masks of dead and vampires and walking around in the streets or dancing in nightclubs.

November 1, 2015

Formula 1

Holidays and Events in USA Formula-1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightly called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, among other things, also the most expensive form of motorsport.

November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day

Holidays and Events in USA Thanksgiving is a holiday everyone has heard of. The United States is associated with it very tightly, although its original meaning is not known to everyone. Thanksgiving is a US state holiday, it is celebrated on the second Monday in October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.

December 25, 2015

Christmas in New York

Holidays and Events in USA Christmas in New York ... someone, with a contemptuous grunt, mutters to himself under the nose of something about the New World and the tradition of celebrating Christmas in Europe, the other dreamily closes his eyes, remembering the snow-covered streets of Manhattan. The

December 31, 2015

New Year in New York

Holidays and Events in USA "Four Christmas", "Sleepless in Seattle", "Bad Santa", "Grinch and the Thief of Christmas" - these and other favorite American comedies we look from year to year all December and half of January, because in the New Year's holidays you want even movies were atmospheric.

07 January 2016

Christmas in New York

Holidays and Events in USA Christmas in New York ... someone, with a contemptuous grunt, mutters to himself under the nose of something about the New World and the tradition of celebrating Christmas in Europe, the other dreamily closes his eyes, remembering the snow-covered streets of Manhattan. The

January 13, 2016 - January 26, 2016

Auto Show in Detroit

Holidays and Events in USA Every year, car enthusiasts are looking forward to the opening of the North American International Auto Show, which is traditionally held in mid-January in Detroit (USA). Not so long ago, the Autoshow in Detroit enchantingly celebrated a big anniversary - 100 years. The

02 February 2016

Groundhog Day

Holidays and Events in USA In another way, this holiday, loved by the inhabitants of the United States and Canada, can still be called the day of four-legged and fluffy meteorologists. On the day of the marmot, it is customary to watch the marmot, of course, it is on February 2 that crawls out after hibernation from the burrow.

February 9, 2016

Mardi Gras

Holidays and Events in USA "Fat Tuesday", and this is how the French translates Mardi Gras, - one of the most grandiose and colorful carnivals of the world. The holiday arose in the 18th century, when the territory of the current state of Louisiana was administered by France.

In the United States there are many holidays, federal and local, ethnic and religious. The Americans celebrate the New Year noisily, the celebrations begin in the evening - with the wires of the old year. At midnight, after the bells ring, fireworks explode, and the glasses are filled with champagne.

In some states, New Year's parades are held. Most Americans plan for the coming year, this is called New Year's resolutions.

On the third Monday of January, America celebrates Martin Luther King Day, a black civil rights fighter. For the US this is a significant date, King and King's performances are broadcast on television and radio. The National Day of Freedom comes on February 1, and February 2 is called Groundhog Day, by tradition on this day the marmot gets out of the burrow after hibernation, and if he sees his shadow (a sunny day) - spring still wait a long time, and if he does not see (cloudy day) - Spring is coming soon.

February 14, lovers celebrate Valentine's Day. The third Monday of February is called the Day of US Presidents, it is a state day off. At the end of the winter in America comes a grand event - the ceremony of awarding the Oscar, and the winners are chosen according to the voting results of the Academy members.

Easter is celebrated in the family circle, many families paint eggs and give out candies to children .Easter baskets adorn with flowers, ribbons and bows, bake Easter and decorate the house with lilies (the symbol of Easter) .April 1 jokes and jokes are greeted with the Day of Laughter, the most large-scale jokes are voiced by the media .On the fourth Sunday of fasting all sons must visit their mothers, present a gift and congratulate on Mother's Day .Father's Day in America falls on the third Sunday in June, this is the day of expression of love and gratitude that the daughter feels for her father .Symbol of the holiday - roses: red, if the father is alive, and white if he is no longer alive .The

On the last Monday of May, Memorial Day comes, when Americans pay tribute to all the dead US residents, special ceremonies are held in cemeteries and churches. The
The US Independence Day, one of the main holidays, is celebrated on July 4, many people travel to nature this day, launch fireworks everywhere and organize concerts.

Labor Day in the States falls on the first Monday of September, this is a day off, after which many schools start a new academic year. On Constitution Day and the state on September 17, solemn speeches are sounded, in schools within a week lessons are held on the history of the Constitution, and textbooks are published. On the second Monday of October, Americans celebrate Columbus Day, this date is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Flags hang out on buildings, solemn parades take place on the streets.

On the night of October 31 to November 1 comes one of the most popular holidays - the eve of All Saints Day, otherwise Halloween or Samhain. This is a grand carnival, costumes on the otherworldly subjects are prepared long before the holiday. The traditional symbol of the holiday is a pumpkin with carved faces on them, highlighted from inside a burning candle.

The traditional symbol of Halloween is a pumpkin with carved glowing faces, highlighted from inside a burning candle.

No less significant role played in the culture of America is Thanksgiving Day, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. A national holiday of gratitude, in which the whole family goes to church, and afterwards gathers at a festive table with an indispensable turkey that has become a symbol of the holiday. On the eve of the holiday, charity is gathering momentum.

Christmas is December 25 - a joyful family holiday, which is greeted with a dressed up spruce, gifts, hanging stockings over the fireplace. Having adopted English traditions, Americans decorate houses with ivy, holly and mistletoe, being under which a man has the right to kiss a woman.