How much do tickets cost in the US?

Responds to the information section of the "Subtlety of Tourism" For a flight to New York from Moscow by direct flight of the company "Aeroflot" in one direction will have to pay 11 635-17 635 rubles and above, depending on the reservation conditions. This price for an adult passenger, a place in the economy class, all fees included. With an early booking, for about 16 850-22 850 rubles, you can fly to New York in the high season.
The flight to Los Angeles from Aeroflot will be more expensive, about 30,800 rubles in the holiday season and about 21,650 rubles in the rest season. If you work out the route with transfers and think over dockings, you can reduce the price by 1-2 rubles.

Approximately the same number will cost tickets to New York from the company "Transjaro" (may be more expensive than rubles for 200). In Los Angeles, their aircraft do not fly, but in Miami you can get (roughly) for 19 650 rubles.

2 February 2012

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