Highway 66 (Route 66) - called "the mother of American roads." His appearance seriously affected the development of the economic and social life of the United States. Asphalt tape, 4 thousand kilometers long, connected Chicago and Los Angeles, in fact linking different ends of the country. The American people went to unification in various ways. This road became one of them.

The highway leads from Chicago (Illinois), passing through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, to Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California, , covering a total of 3,940 kilometers (2,448 miles).

History of appearance

The year of birth of the highway is considered 1926th. The country was developing production, cars could afford more people. Not least thanks to Henry Ford, who put the production of cars on stream.

Journey through Route 66 (English)

Americans needed excellent roads, they wanted to just travel or look for a better share in other cities . Work on Highway 66 continued for more than 10 years before a more or less usable asphalted belt appeared.

The Great Depression also affected the development of the highway. In search of work, the Americans were ready to travel all over the country. Many believed that happiness - in California. It was there that the poor wanted to earn at least a couple of dollars. They rode along the 66th road in despair, but also with hope. For Americans, Highway 66 actually became the road of life.

After the Second World War, the 66th decided to abandon. President Eisenhower decided to improve American roads, bring them to the German model, make them high-speed, with several lanes. Route 66 destroyed the law on the construction of federal highways. The highway was gradually empty, and soon everything stopped here.

However, the highway survived thanks to the efforts of city residents located near the highway . Many of them considered the new law a betrayal of the 66th, which did so much for Americans . The highway, without being entered into the modern life of the country, became a historical route . In some places the 66th is an auxiliary road, which is the best way to get to a town . Places - abandoned plots where all started and overgrown with weeds . But the main sections of Route 66 with were stored, and cars and motorcycles with tourists flocked every day on their way to explore the country's history .

Highway Cities 66

Highway 66 is, above all, the fate of thousands of Americans , who did not change their place of residence and stayed in small towns along this highway. Each similar city has its own association and produces souvenirs with the symbols of Route 66. Residents love to organize various events, parties, dances, concerts.

These towns are living monuments of America of the 50-60s. Surely, many tourists are surprised to see such settlements on Highway 66. Like, how can people live in such a wilderness? Here the atmosphere is preserved, which today can be seen only in the cinema. One- and two-story buildings, small cafes, shops. Dogs and donkeys roam the streets calmly.

Donkeys, by the way, sometimes go out onto the highway, which makes drivers constantly nervous.

These cities live mainly at the expense of tourists. Highway 66 is a good bait for travelers from different countries. Here every object of everyday life is tried to turn into a souvenir - from an ordinary can opener to a refrigerator. Something like this way of life reminds resort towns that are getting richer in the high season.

Hotels on the highway 66

Perhaps, in his Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov described these hotels. Hotels built 50-60 years, continue to receive guests. They themselves resemble artifacts that were miraculously preserved in times of luxury five-star apartments.

And motels, which preserved the atmosphere of the 40s of the last century, receive a good profit. Prices here are small - you can stay at night for $ 20-30.

In the morning, guests receive a classic American breakfast, so high-calorie, that the strength will suffice to get to immediately to Los Angeles. During the trip, it's really worth staying in one of these motels to further appreciate the spirit of old America.

 Route 66  Route 66
 Highway map 66.png  Route 66
from the El -Hey to Chicago

Cafe Highway 66

Roadside cafes in the US are a separate song. Such institutions appear in almost every American film, where a hero travels the country and on the way seduces beauties. Bar stand, jukebox, fresh coffee and pancakes with wedge syrup - classic genre.

Highway 66 can be called gastronomic, because in every small cafe you can discover for yourself some amazing dish. It can be chili potatoes, large pieces of pies with meat and fish, creamy treats, custard pastries, fried chicken. Finally, an ordinary hamburger can taste different in every institution. Not to mention the steaks, the recipes for cooking which dozens.

Highway 66 will never give the traveler a chance to get hungry. True, tourists are sometimes tormented by the question: how to continue driving with a full belly?

Highway sights 66

Enterprising citizens of small towns that are located along the highway, try to make money at anything . Tourists themselves are happy to spread on the dollar for trinkets, just to bring home a reminder of a great trip . So almost every village you can meet the Museum Route 66 . Soda, books, photos, license plates, icons, jerricans and even jukeboxes - sells everything . Do not be surprised if any An old man will tell you about a meeting with Paul McCartney and try You can sell his autograph to you. - $ . Sir Paul traveled on Highway 66, it's a fact . But it's not the fact that he signed on a scrap of paper of this respectable man .

One of the sights The highway is an old gas station in 1926. It became almost a Mecca for motorists. The Soulsby's Shell petrol station is located in Mount Olive, Illinois. Of course, she saw a lot in her time and did not even realize that it would become a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

And this attraction does not require worship. True, not every traveler notices it. It's about the local nature. The landscape on highway 66 is amazing. Mountains, forests, deserts constantly replace each other. Some sites remain untouched since the 30s of last century. Since the construction of the road began. Sometimes you want to look at each rock or wander through the forest, but in that case the 66th journey will take not a week, but will stretch for months.

But in the caves of the Grand Canyon, which are located near the road, you must certainly visit. These are the largest dry underground caves in the United States. It is said that the government of the country wanted to use them in case of nuclear war. Therefore, food supplies can be found here. Here, archaeologists found the remains of ancient animals, very much like saber-toothed tigers.

And one more feature of caves - if you turn off the light under the ground, you can end up in perfect darkness. At these moments, absolutely nothing is visible, no outlines. One hundred percent blackness that simply absorbs people.

 Legendary Route 66  Route 66
 Refueling station on highway 66  Route 66
 Corvette 56 years on highway 66  Route 66
 Meeting the sun, route 66  Route 66
 At the gas station 66  Route 66
 Roadway sign Route 66 in Tukumkari  Route 66
 Souvenirs Route 66  Route 66