Washington is located in the northeast of the US on the Pacific coast, south of the Canadian province of British Columbia, north of Oregon and west of Idaho. Its area is 184, 8 km2, the population - more than 6 million people. The capital of the state is the city of Olympia, the largest cities are Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma.

As a rule, the staff is called simply "Washington", unlike Washington, the capital of the USA, which is not in the same state. To the name of the capital of the state usually add the abbreviation DC (District of Columbia, DC, in which he actually is.)
Another, unofficial name of Washington - "Evergreen State." In fact, many evergreen trees are growing in the forests of the region, and thanks to the abundant rains, grasses and shrubs remain green throughout the year.
 Washington State
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How to get here

The largest airports in Washington State are 6 km from Olympia , in Seattle and in Sitake, between the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. There are no direct flights from Moscow, but daily you can fly connecting flights from Los Angeles or New York. The most popular carriers are American Airlines, Delta, United and North West.

In addition, a lot of ships arrive in Pjuthet Sound, including cruise passenger, mainly from Asian countries. And through such major cities in Washington as Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma and Olympia is the largest in the United States ferry system of 28 high-speed ferries navigating the Puget Sound Bay and inland waterways to 20 destinations.

Inland Railways , however, passenger transportation here is not particularly popular: the railway ticket at a price roughly corresponds to the air ticket.

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Washington State Climate

The climate of the state varies greatly from west to east. The oceanic climate in the west (on the Pacific coast the average annual temperature is +11 ° C) and much drier, arid in the east of the Cascade Mountains (an average of +4 ° C). In winter, frequent fogs, cloudy and prolonged drizzle, summer, as a rule, is sunny and dry. However, in the western region are often climatic extremes: the Arctic cold fronts in winter (to -30 ° C) and extreme heat in the summer (up to +45 ° C)

Entertainment, excursions and sights of Washington

About 60% of the inhabitants of the state Washington lives in Seattle - a transport, business and industrial center in the Puget Sound region near the Sea of ​​Selish. Through the ports of Puget Sound, trade routes with the Asian countries are taking place, and Seattle itself is considered the largest business center on the coast. Most of the sights of the state of Washington are concentrated in Seattle and its environs.

Since the middle of the 19th century this city has had the unofficial name of the "Royal City", which originated from the "Pacific Queen of Cities", then changed to the "Emerald City". Other Seattle nicknames are "Gateway to Alaska", "City of Rain" and "Jet City" (thanks to Boeing).

The Seattle business card is a fantastic view of the Space Needle tower, built in the early 1960s at the Seattle Center, which is the center of many city and cultural events. The Space Needle is immortalized by many American photographers and filmmakers.

In addition, Seattle is famous for its skyscrapers: Smith Tower, Columbia Center, Washington-Michigan Tower, the Museum of Music and Science Fiction in the Seattle Center and a fantastic view of the building central library. Tourists are no less attracted to the Pike Place Market, one of the oldest public markets in the US, the center of folk festivities and street actors, clowns and singers.

USA, Washington

Another state tourist center is Spokane, more interesting to history lovers. 18 historic districts of the city are included in the National Register of Historic Places of the USA - more than 50% of the central part of Spokane is recognized as a historical heritage. Of particular interest are the three historic districts in the style of the Victorian era: South Hill, Browne's Addition and Davenport Arts District.

And finally, the wineries. There is an opinion that wines from this state even belong to the top five in the world - and tourists are offered to make sure of it. Perhaps the most famous winery is Chateau Ste Michelle, opened in 1912.

In Washington State, there is a state monopoly on the sale of alcoholic beverages. It applies to all alcoholic beverages stronger than 20%, as well as liquors (even if their alcohol content is less than 20%) - they can be bought only in state shops or private wine shops that have a state license. Beer and wine, which contains less than 20% of alcohol, can be bought in regular stores and supermarkets @@ Nature and National Parks of Washington

Cascade mountains stretch from north to south, dividing the state into zones of marine and sharply continental climate. In the range of the Cascade Mountains there are several active volcanoes, which are significantly higher than the rest of the mountain range: Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, St. Helens and Mount Adams. But in fact only St Helens (or Mount St. Helens) periodically erupts

Mountains near Seattle, Washington, USA

just 80 km from the volcano is located in Seattle Mount Rainier in 4392 m height -. Due proximity to the metropolis, he is considered the most dangerous volcano in the continental US and is among the top ten most dangerous volcanoes in the world

There is also a self-titled national park, one of the oldest in the United States (it was founded in 1899, the fourth of the number of national parks United States) . This National Park is known en not only for its glaciers (in its territory for more than two dozen, with on top of Mount Rainier is the largest glacier in continental US), but also the most beautiful valleys, waterfalls, alpine meadows and, of course, magnificent forests .. second National park of Washington State, Olympic, located on the peninsula of the same name in the Pacific Ocean

mountain range divides the Olympic National park and the peninsula itself into two parts . Western famous rainforest Ho - one of the few tropical rain s forests in the continental US, the beaches on the Pacific coast and three Indian reservations that are open to tourists . In the west, the climate is more arid . On the territory of National Park Olympic mirror clear lakes, dense forests, alpine meadows, and on the peaks of Olympic shine about six dozen glaciers, which in general forms incredible beauty landscapes anywhere in the reserve .. The National Park Olympic has the status of the International Biosphere Reserve and is listed as a World Heritage Site due to its unique Noah flora and fauna: a long time, being isolated from the mainland, its land preserved 15 endemic species of animals and 8 - plant

Photos of Washington State (42)
