The United States of America is considered a country for tourists. At the same time, we should not forget that traditional American quality starts from a certain price segment. This is especially evident when looking at the cost of tourist accommodation: in the US you can stay for $ 20 / day, but you can expect more or less decent service from $ 60 / day, while really comfortable and quality rooms start from $ 160 / day.

Approximately the same applies to food: cheap food can be purchased on the streets and fast food restaurants - here prices start at $ 3. However, if you seriously care about the usefulness and quality of products, it's better not to take risks and pay attention to ordinary restaurants and cafes, where you can eat lunch for $ 12, while expensive restaurants offer prices twice as much.

It is customary to give tips (except for self-service establishments and fast food cafes), and they make up about 15% of the invoice amount.
In addition to the waiters, it is customary in the United States to tip the taxi drivers, bartenders and hairdressers. In some states, a 5-8% sales tax is added to the price. In some hotels above the average class, an additional tax of 15% is added to the invoice amount. It is worth checking in advance whether the price includes all taxes and fees. The
If you stay at a camping site, in a hostel, travel by bus and eat yourself, you will need about $ 50 a day.

If you stay at a camping site, in a hostel, travel by bus and eat yourself on your own, you will need about $ 50 per day. If you stay at motels and eat exclusively at a cafe, then count at least $ 100 per day. For renting a car - $ 50 extra. The cost of gasoline averages $ 1 per liter.

All inclusive travel packages, of course, are more expensive: an average of $ 1, 5 thousand to $ 5 thousand, and, suppose, rest in Hawaii starts from $ 3 thousand.

Why is it profitable to buy goods in the US? The


On average, Moscow-New York ticket costs from 12 to 150 thousand rubles (depending on the airline, the time of departure, the class you are going to fly). Domestic flights will cost from $ 100 to $ 250.

Travel by public transport costs $ 2, 25, in multi-day travel, each trip will be cheaper: a week-long travel costs $ 29, a two-week trip costs $ 52, a monthly travel costs $ 104.

A taxi ride depends on the meter's indicators - they are required to have all the yellow cabs. Approximately $ 2, 25 is taken for the landing, then the calculation is approximately the following: every 1/5 mile (4 blocks) - 40 cents, the same costs a minute of idle time (in a traffic jam), from 16 to 20 hours on weekdays a surcharge of $ 1, from 20 hours to 6 am on any day - a mark-up of 50 cents. The train is paid by all the passengers of the car, in addition, the payment for the fare for the passage of tunnels and bridges also falls on the passenger.

Cultural Events

Visiting some museums in the US is free of charge - as a rule, this refers to national (state, non-private museums) .For example, in Washington it's all without exception the museums located on the famous National Mall - and this is a complex of 18 museums and galleries, plus the National Zoo .At the same time visiting private museums in the United States - and there are many of them - is not cheap pleasure: the price range starts from $ 13-15 to $ 30-50 from an adult .Children's can cost $ 7-15 .However, not all museums in the United States have a division into an adult and a children's ticket .The

Visiting some museums in the US is free of charge - as a rule, this refers to national (state, non-private museums)

The cost of a movie ticket costs about $ 8. Ticket to the theater - from $ 50 to $ 150 (possibly even more expensive depending on the theater and staging), in the opera - $ 30-130. For sports competitions - $ 20-300. Going to the concert will cost from $ 60 to $ 200.

Excursions with a Russian-speaking guide cost from $ 40 to $ 75 per person.

Cellular communications

In the United States adopted its own standard for cellular communications, therefore, as a rule, it is easier to purchase a local device with a SIM card, rather than use your phone, installing a local SIM card in it .Tariffs are divided into prepaid and so-called "postpaid" .For prepaid (similar tariffs are usually limited) subscription fee is $ 1-2 per day with a minimum limit of minutes, the cost of minutes over the limit while it is quite high .If you actively communicate - will be released at least $ 100 per month .Postpaid tariffs have a subscription fee of $ 60-70 per month, 500-700 minutes are already included in the limit .The

Of course, since the US is a large country, diverse and here, as in any place, prices for living (and recreation) vary depending on proximity to popular resorts, large cities, etc., elite prices are not taken into account . To the more expensive states of the USA are traditionally ranked as Florida, California, New York, Connecticut, Colorado, Massachusetts. To the budget - Georgia, New Jersey, Alaska, Arizona, North and South Carolina. However, this division is conditional, because almost all states have resorts of various classes.
Pizza at the Bronx Cafe, New York Prices in the USA
What kind of restaurants are these and the prices: from a haute cuisine to a pizzeria around the corner
Christmas skating in downtown Manhattan, New York Prices in the USA
But on entertainment in the US you do not need to save money
New York Taxi Prices in the USA
Transport is another important point of the trip budget