When there is not much money in the wallet, and it would be desirable to rest, it's time to fly to Vietnam. + $ . This direction is the most economical and, moreover, safer than the rest, speaking of Southeast Asia. - $ . Peaceful descendants of the dragon and the fairies, which the Vietnamese consider themselves, are always friendly and friendly to tourists. . The same in Vietnam and the weather: year-round heat and sunny, exhausting heat does not happen . The ancient state is interesting for its history (the first great dynasty leads its beginning from the 11th century), architecture (look into the imperial court in the city of Hue and visit Buddhist temples) and an extravagant kitchen (if you did not eat frogs in France, there is a chance to taste them in Vietnam, well, or try a ragout from turtle) .

Vietnam - extremely convenient the country in terms of flights: there are 27 airports, 8 of them - international. The most popular destinations from Moscow are the cities of Danang, Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City, Fukuok, Hanoi.

Vietnam is an extremely convenient country in terms of flights: there are 27 airports here, 8 of them international. Therefore, tickets to Vietnam will not get labor. The most popular destinations from Moscow are Danang, Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City, Fukuok, Hanoi. Flights, of course, are not daily, but you can always fly to one of the cities. Choose Vietnamese or Chinese Southern Airlines: the service and prices of these airlines are quite acceptable. In the way (for example, in Ho Chi Minh City) spend 9-10 hours.

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to Vietnam for the New Year." ±​​$ The