The history of the city begins in the Neolithic age, when a settlement of farmers and fishermen was formed on the bank of the Kistrik River .Like many cities in Abkhazia, Gudauta has a colorful and touching legend that tells about the origin of the name .This legend tells about the fate of a young man named Hood and a girl named Uta .Naturally, they loved each other madly, but evil relatives belonging to different clans did not allow them to be together .Reunited lovers managed to just rush into the river .So it turned out the name of the city - Gudauta .

So it was the case or otherwise, now no one will say, but a city with such a name is, it is located 37 km west of Sukhum and 43 km from Gagra. There are about 15 thousand people living in the city, their life for the last couple of decades has been saturated with various political events so much that it was not up to beautiful legends. But gradually the turbulent events receded into the background and Gudauta was able to return to the measured routine and its habitual life, the life of the resort city, which it has been since 1926.

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Rest in a pine forest - holiday home Sunny + $
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Accommodation: 1 050 rub. per day. Prepayment of 20%, the rest at check-in.
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Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 8 + 8 + 10 + 15 + 17 + 23 + 26 + 27 + 23 + 17 + 13 + 10
night + 3 + 5 + 6 + 10 + 12 + 17 + 20 + 20 + 16 + 12 + 8 + 6
of water + 10 + 9 + 9 + 13 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 21 + 18 + 12

Here is a humid subtropical climate (more humid and cool than in Sukhum and Gagra), very mild winters, very warm summers. At this point of the coast the mountains retreated from the sea for 25-30 km, forming a vast plateau. Because of the relief of the terrain, the winds here are extremely rare and very warm. Precipitation also falls out infrequently.

The air is clean, because in the immediate vicinity of the city there are no industrial enterprises. Thanks to these factors, the holiday season in Gudauta lasts year round.


Gudauta today is

Return to peaceful prosperous life and the revival of Gudauta as a resort began in 1994 .Since then a lot has been done, but for the time being the city is not ready to provide tourists with a full range of tourist services, too much has been destroyed in the literal and figurative sense of the word .But thanks to the diligence and natural cordiality of Abkhazians, those who come to the city can always find accommodation either in the private sector or in a few boarding houses in the city and its surroundings..It is unlikely that the housing will be fashionable, but the hospitality will be sure .

Pine paradise on the azure shore - hotel Pshada
Prepayment of 20%! Hotel Pshada (Lzzaa village, Cape Pitsunda, half an hour's walk from the center of the resort). The rooms of the cozy small hotel include: refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, own bath and a bathroom. On the territory: a shop, a cafe, a bar and a restaurant.
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Boarding house Energetik: rest, which is worth a dream!
The boarding house is located in Gagra, on the very shore of the Black Sea, 2 minutes from the water park and the center. market. Own beach with a wide strip of sand, cafe, restaurant, night bar, disco, massage, billiards, volleyball, cinema hall. Accommodation: 1 500 rub. per night, incl. 3 meals a day (Swedish table)! Prepayment of 20%! Online booking.
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Beaches, restaurants

Good beaches in the city and its surroundings: pebble and sand and pebble, spacious and therefore not crowded. A lot of cafes and restaurants are ready to offer a menu based on Abkhazian cuisine, the same attractive, fragrant and picturesque as before. As before, the wines of Abkhazia are also good, which are famous far beyond the borders of the republic.

Map of Gudauta

Resort Pitsunda - a delightful corner of Abkhazia
The unique resort "Pitsunda" is located on the edge of a protected pine grove. Sand and pebble beach - 50 m from the buildings, umbrellas - free of charge. Buffet, plenty of entertainment for children and adults.
From 1 100 rubles / day , incl. food! Prepayment 20% rest when settling in! Instant on-line booking.
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Entertainment, excursions and attractions Gudauty

Abkhazia is rich in sights, a considerable part of which is in Gudauta and its immediate vicinity. 4 km from Gudauta, in the village of Lykhna you can see the whole architectural complex: the bell tower, the cathedral and the ruins of the palace, all this was built during the Middle Ages. Particularly interesting is the internal painting of the temple, executed in the 14th century.

Literally next door is the palace of the sovereign princes of Abkhazia Chachba-Shervashidze. With it is connected another tragic legend about the young man and the girl, walled in the walls of this palace, due to which he became impregnable for external enemies. Legend it or not, but the story says that the palace was destroyed only by the time and the elements, the enemies could not do it. The picturesque ruins of the palace were covered with grass, and in the remains of the walls two stages of construction are clearly visible.

The fortress of Hasanath-Abaa with the Bzybskaya watchtower was, presumably, built in 9-10 centuries. Surrounded by a strong fortress wall, the thickness of which reaches one and a half meters, occupies a convenient strategic position. On the inside of the wall there are traces of frescoes. Archaeologists assume that in the bowels of the earth under the fortress and around it there are many unique finds.

Like many cities in Abkhazia, Gudauta has a colorful and touching legend, telling about the origin of the name.

Most tourists consider it necessary to visit the famous Mussersky temple, built in the 10-11 centuries. Despite the fact that only fragments survived, the temple is one of the most important religious monuments of medieval Abkhazia. Especially impressive is its southern facade with expressive arches-entrances to the temple.

Unfortunately, time has not spared this landmark: the roof of the temple has long collapsed, the rain and winds have exhausted the walls, but having a good imagination, it is easy to imagine how magnificent this structure was. It stands in the middle of the Mussersky Reserve, so the road to the temple leads through thickets of rare plants, oak and boxwood, thickets of chestnuts, cornel and hazel.

All excursions can be booked at the city tourist offices, and almost always there is the opportunity to go to explore the nearby attractions in the mini-group, and, thanks to the compact location, visit one day not one of them. Photos Gudauty (15)