Amazing landscapes, the gentle sea and the bright sun - all this is Abkhazia. It is located in the strip of the most northern subtropics in the world, which makes recreation in this protected area attractive from many points of view. In Soviet times, rest in Novy Afon, one of the most famous resorts of Abkhazia, was a privilege of the elect, now it is accessible to many.

New Athos
Pension Gagra is the warmest place in Abkhazia!
Prepayment 30% the rest at check-in! Close to the best attractions of the country! To the sea - 150 m through the park of Prince of Oldenburg. Water activities, tennis, disco on the beach. All rooms with balconies, TV and bathroom; there are suites with European-quality repair.
From 1 000 rub. per day , incl. 3 meals a day.
New Athos
Rest in a pine forest - holiday home Sunny + $
Bars, restaurant, billiards, disco, swimming pools: indoor and outdoor, sports complex. Meals - Swedish table. Maybe Single accommodation.
Accommodation: 1 050 rub. per day. Prepayment of 20%, the rest at check-in.
New Athos
Sanatorium "Sana" invites you to Abkhazia!
Sanatorium "Sana" is a beach holiday with treatment. The only sanatorium in Abkhazia with its hydropathic institution! Prices for accommodation in San. We always have available seats.
Prepayment of 20%! From 1 170 rubles / day . Hurry up to book!
New Athos
Tour operator "Aqua-Abaza" - 21 year with you!
All Resorts of Abkhazia! More than 60 boarding houses, sanatoriums and hotels.
Prices are lower, the prices are at the hotel counter, guaranteed availability.
Holiday from 400 rubles per day.
(495) 626-05-83, 626-02-12 •
New Athos
Tour operator in Abkhazia since 1996!
Guaranteed seat blocks in more than 60 objects!
Rest in Gagra, Pitsunda, Gudauta, Novy Afon, in Sukhum.
Excursion tour "Legends of Samurzakan"
(495) 987-14-47 •
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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Adler (nearest a / p to Novy Afon)
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 A bit of history
  • 4 Hotels and private sector
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of New Athos - $
    • 5.1 New Athos Monastery
    • 5.2 New Athos Cave
    • 5.3 Coast of Abkhazia

How to get

The easiest way is through Sochi. In 2003, the Sochi-Sukhumi train began to run, passing through all major resorts (Gagra, Pitsunda, Novy Afon).

Search airfares to Adler (nearest a / p to Novy Afon)


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 8 + 8 + 10 + 15 + 17 + 23 + 26 + 27 + 23 + 17 + 13 + 10
night + 3 + 5 + 6 + 10 + 12 + 17 + 20 + 20 + 16 + 12 + 8 + 6
of water + 10 + 9 + 9 + 13 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 21 + 18 + 12

New Athos is located at a distance of 21 km from the capital of the republic of the city of Sukhum. The climate here is marine subtropical, the average annual temperature is about +15 degrees. I must say that, due to constant breezes, in the hot season the temperature here is usually moderate. At the same time, from the northern cold winds, the resort is protected by mountains: there are spurs of the Caucasian ridge here.

Due to the fact that the resort "looks" to the south, it gets extra sunny days, which is very attractive for holidaymakers. The relief of the resort is such that its entire territory is divided into three distinct zones, each of which has its own characteristics and its individuality. The first zone is coastal, up to 5 meters above sea level. The second - piedmont - up to 80 meters. The third zone is mountains, its height is up to 600 meters above sea level.

New Athos
Pine paradise on the azure shore - hotel Pshada
Prepayment of 20%! Hotel Pshada (Lzzaa village, Cape Pitsunda, half an hour's walk from the center of the resort). The rooms of the cozy small hotel include: refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, own bath and a bathroom. On the territory: a shop, a cafe, a bar and a restaurant.
Cost: from 800 rubles. per day!
New Athos
Fairy-tale Abkhazia at magic prices from STC Intourist
Cottages on the Kiparisova alley hotel from 26.04. For 7 nights from 2 800 rub.
Energetik boarding house since 01.06. for 2 nights. from 2 900 rub.
Aitar boarding house since 01.05. for 7 nights from 3,850 rubles.
Bagripsh boarding house from 20.05. for 7 nights from 7 093 rubles.
We have been working for you since 1929! Book a tour online!
New Athos
Tours to Abkhazia
On our site you will find a large selection of hotels and boarding houses in Abkhazia.
Gagra, Pitsunda, New Athos, Sukhum, Gudauta are waiting for you to rest!
Official representation of the boarding house "Camshitovaya Grove"!
(495) 955-79-23, 722-49-62 •
New Athos
Resort Pitsunda - a delightful corner of Abkhazia
The unique resort "Pitsunda" is located on the edge of a protected pine grove. Sand and pebble beach - 50 m from the buildings, umbrellas - free of charge. Buffet, plenty of entertainment for children and adults.
From 1 100 rubles / day , incl. food! Prepayment 20% rest when settling in! Instant on-line booking.
New Athos
Boarding house Energetik: rest, which is worth a dream!
The boarding house is located in Gagra, on the very shore of the Black Sea, 2 minutes from the water park and the center. market. Own beach with a wide strip of sand, cafe, restaurant, night bar, disco, massage, billiards, volleyball, cinema hall. Accommodation: 1 500 rub. per night, incl. 3 meals a day (Swedish table)! Prepayment of 20%! Online booking.
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A bit of history

The rich and long history of Athos is .It begins in the 3rd century, when the city of Anakopia was an important trading center of the region .Archaeological excavations have shown that the then standard of living in the city was quite high, both materially and culturally..In the 5th century on the Iberian Mount the fortress was built by the Abkhazians .In the 8th century, the Abkhazian ruler, Leon II, declared himself an independent Abkhaz king, and Anakopia was the capital of the Abkhazian kingdom..Since then, a lot of water has flowed, many rulers have changed this territory, many dramatic events occurred .Despite the turbulent history, many interesting sights have survived to this day, which are important not only for Mount Athos and Abkhazia, but for the whole of mankind..

New Athos Monastery
New Athos
Pitius - the best choice for a break from the city bustle!
Pool with sea water, excellent beach, 3 meals a day.
On the territory of a beautiful park and mini zoo, cafe.
Prepayment 20%, the rest at check in.
From 1 169 rubles per day.
An excellent choice not only in the summer, but also on the May holidays!
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Hotels and private sector

You can stay in Afon either in the private sector or in hotels built several decades ago and updated on the wave of tourist interest in the resort, or newly built (as yet few) boarding houses .Despite the fact that the region is attractive all year round, most tourist hotels do not function in winter, unless, as the resort complex "Kamarit", offer programs for staying for the New Year and Christmas holidays .During the summer season in hotels tourists are offered quite comfortable rooms with all amenities, meals and, often, own transfer to the station .It is unlikely that Athos hotels and restaurants can compete with those institutions that operate in international resorts, but their level is constantly growing, and traditional Abkhaz hospitality smooths household roughness .

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of New Athos - $

Landscapes of New Athos are extremely good and permanently remain in the memory of those who came here at least once $ $.Hilly terrain, rich subtropical vegetation, among which the real thickets of lemon, orange, mandarin and olive trees predominate, nobody leaves indifferent .In all directions on the territory of the resort stretch cypress alleys .The subtle aroma of cypresses and citrus fruits rushes in the air, intoxicates and makes you forget about the stresses and problems of everyday life..Green plantations of the coastal zone are rich in magnolias, laurels, palm trees and eucalyptus - all these plants look for the inhabitants of more northern latitudes, this exotic .

Map of New Athos

New Athos Monastery

One of the most interesting sights is, of course, the Orthodox New Athos (Simon-Kananitsky) monastery .His story began in August 1875, when several monks from the monastery of St. Panteleimon, which is located on Mount Athos in Greece, arrived in Abkhazia to choose a place for a new abode .The erection of the monastery began in 1876 and lasted 12 years .These were years of hard hard work, as the construction of buildings was preceded by the clearing of sites in the mountains .But in 1896 the monastery was built and the first premises were consecrated in it .

In Soviet times, rest in Novy Afon, one of the most famous resorts of Abkhazia, was a privilege of the elect, now it is accessible to many.

The main shrine of the monastery is a miraculous cross with a particle of the Tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord .It is known that the construction of the monastery was attended by the Emperor Alexander III, it was in 1888 .He also gave the monastery chimes for the highest tower .They were accompanied by gifts more prosaic, but very functional: a steam locomotive and a power station .Either with the easy hand of the king, or because of the diligence of the monks, but the monastery achieved serious success in economic activity: it operated candle, brick, oil refineries, bookbinding, sewing, watchmaking, shoemaking and foundries .In addition, the monastery grounds were planted with vineyards, mandarin, plum, walnut orchards .In 1924 the monastery was closed by the Soviet power, and 70 years later its revival began ... Next to the monastery there is a cave in which Simon the Cananite secluded and prayed .Anyway, that's what the legend says .

New Athos Cave

The New Athos cave is known all over the world, which is one of the wonders of the Abkhazian nature .This is a huge karst cavity, which in size is not inferior to the largest caves in the world, and in beauty and picturesqueness exceeds $ ±.Since the opening of the cave, speleologists from all over the world have shown a scientific interest in it, and tourists who come to rest in Athos tend to visit it,.The tourist route passes through 9 unique cave halls, each of which has not only its own name, but also its own differences .This route includes not only natural formations, but also man-made premises .It's impossible to forget the walk through the cave, you can not get similar impressions anywhere else - Athos cave is unique . Photo of the New Athos (34)