Gagra colonnade

Gagra, Seaside Park

Sights of Abkhazia In the heart of Old Gagra, a stone's throw from the Seaside Park and the cult restaurant "Gagrish", the oldest and most famous landmark of Abkhazia is the Gagra Colonnade. This is the first significant tourist attraction that meets tourists.

Lake Ritsa

Sights of Abkhazia The piercing beauty of Abkhazia remains in my memory forever. This incredibly picturesque mountains, this riot of colors of southern flowers, these are the scents of magnolia, cypresses and oleanders, these are transparent mountain rivers and streams. This lake Ritsa - a high mountain lake, fabulously beautiful, magical.

Anakopiy fortress

New Athos, Anakopiy fortress

Sights of Abkhazia Among the sights of Abkhazia, the majestic Anakopiy fortress, erected on the top of the Iberian mountain, stands out. From Abkhazian language the name of this fortress is translated as "rugged"!

Geg waterfall

Geg waterfall

Sights of Abkhazia It is possible to say with certainty that the Geg waterfall is familiar to everyone. "What nonsense! - you will say. "I have never been to Abkhazia either." Do you remember the final scene of the battle between the legendary detective Holmes and Professor Moriarty in the popular Soviet television series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"?

Blue Lake (Abkhazia)

Lake. Blue

Sights of Abkhazia It is rumored that sometime ago, a wise old man lived in one gloomy cave with a long white beard and blue eyes like the sky. From all corners of the world people came to him to listen to instructive stories or get advice.

JV Stalin's dacha on Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia

Lake. Ritsa

Sights of Abkhazia According to various sources, Generalissimo Stalin had from 18 to 20 dachas, of which 5 were located in Abkhazia. The leader's taste was unconventional: Stalin did not like luxury and preferred to her a dry state style, so excessive pomposity in the design of his country residences can not wait.

New Athos Cave


Sights of Abkhazia Nature generously endowed Abkhazia with countless beauties and unique natural monuments. One of such wonderful natural gifts was New Athos Cave, which is worthy of competition to many underground palaces with world names, for example, the American Carlsbad cave.

New Athos Monastery

New Athos

Sights of Abkhazia The solemn consecration of the New Athos Monastery, which was attended by about 20,000 pilgrims, took place on September 28, 1900. This was not the end of the monastery: monks worked tirelessly without sleep and rest.

Mzy Lake

Mzi Lake

Sights of Abkhazia While distributing their gifts among the peoples and countries, nature definitely did not stint on Abkhazia. Abkhazian natural attractions are so unique and attractive that it is incredibly difficult to choose something "the most-most". Not surprisingly, the choice of excursions always puts tourists at a dead end.

The Gagripsh Restaurant in Gagra.

Gagra, Primorsky Park

Sights of Abkhazia The history of the restaurant's creation dates back to the very beginning of the 20th century. Prince Alexander of Oldenburg, and part-time founder of the Gagra climatic resort - visited the Paris World Exhibition, and the result of his trip was the acquisition of a wooden structure.

national cuisine

Sukhumi Botanical Garden - $

Sukhum, Shevardnadze, 20

Sights of Abkhazia The history of the botanical garden - a complex but extremely interesting one - began about 200 years ago, in 1838, when the doctor of the Sukhum garrison Bagrinovsky arrived here. He noticed that on the local coast extremely favorable conditions for the rapid growth of tropical plants and flowers.

Church of the Holy Apostle Cananita

New Athos (Anakopia), the monastery of the Holy Apostle Simon Kananit

Sights of Abkhazia The Church of the Holy Apostle Kananit is considered a unique example of the ancient church architecture of Abkhazia, whose formation was significantly influenced by the Byzantine style. This is a small, rather ascetic three-pedestal church.

Spread along the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia seems to show the sea its untold wealth: dizzyingly beautiful mountains covered with dense vegetation, medieval castles and fortresses, unique historical monuments. In whatever city of the Country of the soul you go, you can everywhere stroll through the amazing parks, squares and gardens, in every city you can visit the museums. And believe me, it's shameful to return home from Abkhazia without getting acquainted with the culture and history of this wonderful Caucasus region.

Abkhazia is quite a small country, however, in order to visit all its sights, not even a month will suffice. Visiting every castle, fortress, colonnade or cave is an independent small trip. Therefore, going to Abkhazia, be sure to plan your leisure, otherwise you risk losing your head from a great many unusual places.

Sukhumi Attractions

In the capital of Abkhazia, in the city of Sukhum, the most popular places for tourists are the embankments of Dioskurov and the Mahajirs, and the Theater Square, which is decorated with fountains, chic palms and eucalypts, is especially popular. The square was named in honor of the Abkhaz State Drama Theater on it, on the stage of which classical and modern dramaturgy and plays for children play. By the way, all the presentations go with the radio translation into Russian.

Not far from the square there are eternally green Botanical Garden and a dendrological park, in which thousands of strange plants, trees and flowers are presented, striking tourists with their beauty and uniqueness.

Perhaps the most unusual sight of Abkhazia is the Monkey Nursery, in which 300 monkeys from Africa, Asia and South America have found shelter. About 500 thousand tourists visit the kennel every year. By the way, visitors are allowed to feed animals from their hands.

Lovers of ancient historical buildings must certainly visit the ancestor of the city - Sukhumi fortress, built by the Romans. At the moment, there are ruins left of the fortress, but they give the city landscape a certain charm and mystery, because they are the main witnesses of city history.

Six kilometers from the capital, on the Besletka River, the Besletsky Bridge is located, which has been preserved since ancient times. On the moss-covered stones adorns the inscription in the ancient Georgian language, made 800 years ago. Members of the Beslet bridge are the ruins of the Roman fortress of Sebastopolis, the fortification towers of the great Abkhazian wall, the castle-fortress of the Abkhazian king Bagrat, the ruins of Dioscuria. All these attractions, which are representatives of ancient history, will tell you about how people lived 2 thousand years ago.

The attention of tourists deserves the Abkhaz State Museum, famous for its extensive exposition. In the museum you can get acquainted with the history and economy of the region, learn a lot of interesting things about the unique Abkhazian nature.

Familiar to each local resident, the memorial house-museum of the founder of Abkhaz literature DI Gulia is located in the center of the city of Sukhum. The exhibits of the museum will tell you about the life and work of the poet and writer, revered by the Abkhazians. If you consider yourself to art connoisseurs, be sure to visit the Abkhazian State Art Gallery. Its halls contain more than three thousand paintings by Abkhazian artists V. Bubnov, O. Brendel, V. Tsvobay, M. Eshba and others.

In 12 km from the city of Sukhum there is a village Kaman - a place of pilgrimage of believing Christians. Here, the extraordinary Kamansky monastery built in the far 11th century is adorned. John Chrysostom. However, one of the most ancient Christian buildings in the Caucasus is the temple in the village of Dranda. The shrine of the Assumption of the Virgin is still valid today, on certain days there are services here.

Sights of Gagra

Gagra is a cozy resort town, famous for its picturesque landscapes. In the new part of the city in recent years, many sanatoriums and boarding houses have been built, the private sector has been developed. In order to admire the history of Gagra, you need to go to the old part of the city, where you can see the picturesque Zhoekvar Gorge and the legendary historical and cultural complex of Abaat - the Gagra fortress wall. Walking through the territory of the fortress, be sure to stop your attention to the small basilica of the 6th century located there.

Perhaps the most unusual sight of Abkhazia is the Monkey Nursery, in which 300 monkeys from Africa, Asia and South America have found shelter.

Along the sea stretches Seaside Park - Gagry Central Park. It is decorated with sculptures, ponds, palm trees and a huge number of coniferous and citrus trees. In the park grows about a thousand species of plants from different parts of the world. Directly from the park stretches a cable car leading high up the hill to the famous castle of Prince of Oldenburg.

Opposite the park on a small hill there is the famous restaurant "Gagripsh". Every tourist considers it his duty to visit it. The restaurant building was built from Norwegian pine without a single nail. Russian writers A. Chekhov, M. Gorky and I. Bunin dined here, F. Chaliapin spoke. In the heart of Old Gagra, not far from the restaurant "Hagripsh", in the central part of the embankment in the Primorsky park is Kolonna - a symbol of the revival of the resort Gagra in the era of the USSR.

The village of Tsandrišp is located 16 km north-west of Gagra, which is interesting for tourists due to the 6th-century church located on its territory. But those who want to admire Gagra from above, we advise you to go to the observation deck of Mamzyshha mountain, located at an altitude of 2000 m. By the way, it is in Gagra that the only water park in Abkhazia is located.

Attractions Pitsunda

Pitsunda is a small town in Abkhazia, attracting tourists with a unique microclimate and an unusual coniferous aroma..Pine Grove is located on the territory of 200 hectares on the shore of the Pitsunda cape .The famous healing Pitsunda pine is the rarest specimen that can be found only on the Abkhazian land .Thanks to its wide paws, this tree retains moisture even on the hottest summer day .Sea water in Pitsunda is the cleanest on the entire Black Sea coast .People go to the city of Pitsunda for a relaxing holiday, to enjoy the beautiful green scenery and curative air .Another natural attraction of these places are eight small lakes with transparent water .

In the center of Pitsunda there is a historical and architectural complex "Great Pityunt", in the territory of which there is a temple and a church. In 1975, an organ was installed in the church, and since then concerts have been held there.

Lake Ritsa

The pearl of Abkhazia is the legendary Lake Ritsa, located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level..Every year thousands of tourists come here to just admire the local beauty .Enjoy an amazing view from the observation deck, by the way, on the territory of which they prepare delicious Abkhazian shish kebab .Traveling in the vicinity of Ritsa, lovers of extreme and active recreation can please themselves with exciting adventures .That there is only a road on the suspension cable car bridge over the river Bzyb .Also it is possible to make horseback walks along the boundless alpine expanses, play paintball or shoot with bow .In the camp of shepherds you can taste mountain cheese, sour milk and honey .

Near the lake Ritsa, at the foot of the mountain Tskhin, there is a real masterpiece of the Abkhazian nature - the Blue Lake. This sparkling sapphire, framed by uncut rocks, is a favorite tourist destination. The water in the lake does not warm up above 10oC. Bathing is prohibited here, but this does not stop those who want to dip their feet in crystal clear water, and some, by the way, even manage to swim in an infinitely deep lake.

New Athos Attractions

New Athos is a picturesque resort located at the foot of two mountains covered with mandarin, orange, lemon and olive groves. The city is rich in historical monuments, cultural values ​​and sights.

The property of the city is the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Orthodox Monastery. After 1994 - the date of the revival of the monastery, thousands of tourists come here to worship its main shrine - the miraculous cross with the particle of the Tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Please note: New Athos Monastery is open for tourists from Wednesday to Sunday from 12.00 to 18.00 hours.

In the gorge of the Psyrtsha River there is a unique monument of Abkhazian architecture - the Temple of the Holy Apostle Simon Kananit. It is here that believers come with petitions for love, happiness, prosperity and marriage. Not far from the temple is one of the most frequented places of New Athos - the grotto of the holy Great Martyr Simon Kananit.

The main decoration of the New Athos is the artificial waterfall, which is the prototype of the currently used hydroelectric power stations. Through special channels water came to dozens of workshops for various purposes. Unfortunately, during the Soviet era many mechanisms were looted, and now the waterfall serves as an extraordinary decoration of the New Athos.

The most unique sight of Abkhazia by right can be considered a well-known all over the world New Athos cave. Here, visitors will discover an amazing underground world with beautiful stalactite palaces, chic halls and galleries adorned with wall paintings from the Paleolithic times. This fascinating and fantastic journey will not leave anyone indifferent.

To plunge into the way of life and culture of the past to a modern man, the newly opened ethnography museum, in which works from KK Lakrba's personal collection are presented, allows you to ...

During the journey through Novy Afon, one should pay attention to the ruins of the ancient city-fortress - the capital of the principality Abazgiya .They are at an altitude of 345 meters above sea level .During the times of the Abkhazian kings, the New Athos fortress underwent hundreds of wars and bloody slaughters .Visited here A .P .Chekhov was struck by the beauty and mystery of these places .It will take at least an hour and a half to experience the local atmosphere and enjoy the beautiful views that open from the mountain .By the way, do not forget to drink cold water from an inexhaustible well built more than 15 centuries ago .

Abkhazia is a country with an extraordinary nature, with a huge number of ancient cultural monuments, with picturesque lakes, waterfalls and wonderful sea air. Wherever you are in Abkhazia, you will have everything to look everywhere.