This settlement, in fact, is the north-eastern province of Algeria and at the same time is the largest city in the region of the Ore Mountains. It is because of the presence of the mountain relief nearby Batna is a kind of "city of contrasts" in the weather. Despite the fact that the city is located almost on the coast, it is at an altitude of about a kilometer above sea level, and this is making its own adjustments to local climatic conditions.

How to get

A little more than four hundred kilometers separates the town of Batna from capital of Algeria. As practice shows, this distance is mainly overcome by ground transportation. Although the city has a fairly developed airport, which means there is also an opportunity to save enough time to arrive to a settlement.

Search for tickets to the city of Algeria (nearest a / n to Batna)


Algerians living here know firsthand about what snow is. And the year-round amplitude of temperatures here corresponds not to the most southern regions of Russian reality. In winter, the thermometer drops to -2 degrees Celsius, in the warm season rarely more than +30 degrees. Thus, Batna will be an excellent option for those who do not like to acclimatize for a long time.

Ancient city Timgad


African attractions are inextricably linked with the active activity of colonists from Europe. Algeria is known to mankind mainly as the largest French colony. Nevertheless, the inquisitive and then not very tolerant minds of warlike Europeans made their first attempts to subjugate African states themselves since the Holy Roman Empire.

It was Emperor Trajan who, in 100 AD, thoroughly began to develop the North African territories and built the city of Timgad in the suburbs of modern Batna..It is worth noting that the settlement was created directly on the wasteland and from the very beginning it was designed for occupancy of at least fifteen thousand residents .Within the framework of the social Roman program "accessible land", the Parthian veterans came here and brought their monumental architecture, amphitheater, triumphal arch, thermae and other achievements of architectural and engineering thought of the beginning of our era to this barbarian region..

It is these ancient ruins, as well as a number of less remarkable but no less ancient buildings, that are the main attraction of Batna at the present stage.

In 1982 Timgad was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


However, to condemn the inhabitants of Batna to the Russian tourist is not out of hand, since people in the mountain massifs nearby are mainly engaged in the extraction of oil, gas and other important minerals. In connection with which the tourism industry here is developing slightly more slowly than in the more "adapted" resorts of Africa and other exotic states.

On the other hand, it is this fact that makes the city of Batna an excellent place for those who are genuinely interested in Muslim culture and do not really like the frenzied tourist fun. On the territory of the city there is one of the largest Islamic cultural centers, from excursions in which true connoisseurs of high spirituality will be able to endure something for themselves.

For very young tourists, an amusement park will be a great place to spend your holidays.

Of course, as already described above, there is bad news for fans and professionals of night entertainment. There are no 24-hour discotheques, bars and other wicked institutions in the town of Batna, because even a century of French colonialism could not break the inner jade rod of Muslim restraint of the local population. Pizzerias, summer cafes, small restaurants with national cuisine - as many as you like. But, about alcohol, drugs and debauchery here anywhere did not hear (well or assure so).

Among the youth here, mainly sports chess is developed. And football, which is "soccer." If you believe the graphs of meteorologists, then the best time to visit this city will be early autumn. In addition, it always makes sense to monitor the political situation in the country so as not to become an unwitting participant in an armed conflict.