How much does it cost to travel by bus from the hotel in Andorra la Vella to the nearest lift station? How much does it cost to travel by bus from Andorra to Barcelona?

Responds Nadezhda Khvatova, "Russian Express" company - $
The nearest lift to Andorra la Vella is in Encamp, the fare depends on the type of ticket. The most expensive one-time one-way ticket, 2, 75 EUR, but usually everyone uses season tickets, for example 10 trips cost 12, 5 EUR. There are buses from 7:10 am to 21:15. This lift belongs to the Grandvalira zone.

If you go the other way, to Vallnord, then this year the ski basses are free there.

The fare from Barcelona to Andorra is about 32 EUR by bus (from the airport).

December 10, 2012

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