The island of Barbuda is inseparable in its existence from the similar island of Antigua and the island of Redonda. All of them belong to the group of small Antilles, and the smallest in this group is Redonda, it occupies only one square kilometer of the area and is in itself a national park.

Barbuda is more suitable for living and tourism, it is a relatively large island with an area of ​​just over 160 square kilometers. It has a coral origin, and is also well known in a narrow circle of sophisticated tourists with its white and pink sands.

The nature of the island has not changed at all since the time it was formed. That's why the lovers of wild subtropical life, caves and all kinds of natural exotic places can find something for themselves here. So, for example, it's considered to be a special honor among ornithologists to see a live frigate bird.

How to get

On the islands of the small Antilles group flights from Frankfurt are sent, and you can fly through London with British Airways. Airplanes deliver all comers to Antigua, from where the wishing fly with the frigate birds to Redondo and the island of Barbuda. In the large and small airports of the local islands and the capital of St. John's there is not a single bus decisively. Therefore, you have to take a taxi.

In addition, after the holiday is always worth remembering that the departure from the islands is not free, the fee is 20 US dollars: over the root cause of this phenomenon, experienced experts are still beating.

Search for tickets to Antigua (nearest a / p to Barbuda)


A lot of interesting is hidden here under the water. True, too deep-sea diving here is not welcome, but against the fashionable "snorkeling" no one will object. For those who, unlike experienced experts, do not know much about fashion trends, it should be noted that "snorkeling" is an old-good immersion in water in a swimming mask with a tube to which the Anglo-Saxons gave such an intricate name.

In addition, somewhere between Antigua and Barbuda is inhabited by a large colony of dolphins. Small exotic islands of the Antilles group in general represent a whole center of "dolphinariums" and other harmless entertainments, which will please the ardent lovers of subequatorial nature.

Those who do not feel the fullness of life without worldly joys, most likely, will have to make a small voyage to Antigua, where there is a yacht club, casinos and clubs.

Shopping and souvenirs

The natural landscape here serves not only as a picturesque entourage for those who want to repeat the fate of the characters from the series "Lost", but the first means of earning for the local population is .Thus, in local "duty-free" jewelery, numerous precious stones are being sold (among which Columbian emeralds have always been and continue to be attractive objects), as well as fashion brands decorated with barbud minerals .It should be noted that if tourists went to the island of Barbuda not on credit and not on the last savings, prices for jewelry will not seem too high .

In addition, it should also be remembered that the inhabitants of the island of Barbuda are not accustomed to work as slaves on the galleys, do not welcome fuss and percussion. Therefore, stores open slowly at eight in the morning, close at noon. The second half of the working day lasts strictly up to five in the evening, and the opening time in the afternoon is set by each establishment independently. Therefore, getting on sale here is much easier than just opening an open store.

Book popular Barbuda hotels at the best prices

The Lighthouse Bay Resort from 30 777 rubles Codrington 1 Lighthouse Bay Resort

Kitchen and restaurants

However, the sub-equatorial nature was not created in order to spend money on jewelry. It is much more interesting here to experiment with the menu in restaurants and cafes. About 70% of all dishes of the national barbudian cuisine are made up of numerous variations of cooking seafood, which in turn will not only help satisfy hunger, but also be trained in the skill of pronouncing barbud names.

Roasted red coals on the coals, clams stewed on coals, fried red berik, fillet of flying fish with cream sauce, exotic shrimps and oysters. Experienced experts express sincere hope that all these representatives of marine fauna have not yet entered the red book, and digestion will not be impeded by the flour of conscience.