Antigua and Barbuda is a country in which the number of beaches is equal to the number of days in a year. Almost half of the population lives in the capital - St. John's. It is such a unique paradise with coral reefs, quiet lagoons and bays. It's so quiet and peaceful that you sometimes have to feel yourself - suddenly you're already in heaven. Local residents, of course, are not 100% angels, but will do their best to rest in St. John at least until the end of your life.

How to get

8 kilometers from the capital of Antigua and Barbuda is the airport with a long name. John's V. C. Bird International Airport. There are no direct flights from Russia to St. John's, so you'll have to get to the bike. The airport accepts planes from England, USA, Germany and Canada. The flight time from Baltimore is 4 hours, Frankfurt - 9 hours, London - 8 hours. There is such a journey from $ 1000.

All fees local border guards charge when leaving the country - it's 20 US dollars. So make a stash, otherwise you will not be allowed to go home.

Search airfares in Saint Johns


There is a bus service in St. John. Quickly and cheaply you can get to any point. True, there are no buses in Dickenson Bay and other resort areas in the northern part of the island. On Sundays public transport rests.

But on any day you can catch a taxi. Tariffs are fixed, and some drivers have qualified for the guides, so they can tell you many interesting things along the way.

As for renting a car, you can rent a car right at the airport. But remember: the movement in the country is left-handed.


Saint Johns March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, heavy rain, thunderstorms
+24 ° С in the afternoon
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Saint Johns March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, heavy rain, thunderstorms
+25 ° С in the afternoon
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Saint Johns March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, heavy rain, thunderstorms
+24 ° С in the afternoon
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Saint John's weather forecast for 10 days ±​​$

Beaches of St. John

Antigua has 365 sandy beaches. Here you can come to relax all year round. In the coolest month, the temperature drops to 25 degrees Celsius. Rains, not very frequent, usually go from May to November.

In St. John's beaches are public, you can safely occupy a place where your heart desires. Unless on remote it is better to not go alone. So, for safety.

The most popular beaches are Fort James and Deep Bay. In the winter months, surfers occupy the Bay of Galli. And in Hawksbill Bay one of the beaches belongs to nudists.

Antigua and Barbuda

Kitchen and restaurants

Local cuisine is an exotic mix of different traditions: Caribbean, French, Dutch and English. Among the culinary delights it is possible to distinguish roasted red cochlea on charcoal, fillet of flying fish, shrimp gambas, shellons, sundons, lobsters and shells.

Local residents are saved from the heat by tea and ice fruit drinks. In the city make an excellent rum and brew a good beer. Popular varieties - "Banks" and "Vadadli".

In some restaurants in St. John's, you can bargain and adjust the recipe of dishes at your discretion. Tipping is usually already included in the bill. Waiters traditionally expect their 10 per cent of the order.


The largest concentration of shops, where you can buy a variety of souvenirs - on the waterfront around the harbor, near the Heritage Kwai complex and the Red Cliff Kwai district. Antigua and Barbuda is a zone of duty-free trade. In the capital, you can buy goods at bargain prices, which in other countries (not to mention Russia) will cost 30-40 percent more. Tourists buy on the island jewelry, precious stones, watches. Most stores are open until 17:00.

St. John's hotels

In St. John's there are plenty of hotels located in the picturesque places of the city. In general, most of the island's population is employed in the service sector. For many years a good school of employees has developed here, which are ready to make tourists' rest as comfortable as possible.

In St. John's, you can book a room in the hotel from 3 to 5 "stars". The average cost of accommodation in a standard double room is from 2500 rubles. High-class hotels take from 7 thousand rubles per night.

What are you getting? Firstly, the most common service is the "all inclusive" system. Some hotels have wellness centers with a swimming pool. Spacious rooms with beautiful ocean views, with balcony or terrace with hammock. Meals - breakfast or three meals a day with homemade wine and local drinks.

Book popular Saint Johns hotels at the best prices

Hermitage Bay All Inclusive from 59 400 rubles Saint John's Jennings new extension Blue Waters Antigua from 44 442 rubles Saint John's Soldier's Bay
Galley Bay Resort & Spa - All Inclusive from 41 241 rubles Saint John's Five Island Village Wind Chimes Inn Antigua from 5 233 rubles Saint John's Sir George Walter Highway The Cove Suites from 44 504 rubles Saint John's Soldier's Bay
Grand Royal Antiguan Beach Resort from 10 034 rubles Saint John's Five Islands, Deep Bay, St. John's, Dickenson Bay Cottages from 5 540 rubles Saint John's PO Box 1379, Tradewinds, Antigua Siboney Beach Club from 8 618 rubles Saint John's Dickenson Bay
5 things to do in St. John's - $
  1. To hear this reggae - this music should be heard in the performance of people who have grown roots in this culture. In local clubs often play reggae, jazz, calypso.
  2. To go on a picnic - the bird island is best for eating outdoors. Collecting a basket with provisions, renting a motor boat and going to a paradise for birds.
  3. To get acquainted with the life of the islanders - many excursion programs offer safaris deep into Antigua, where you can visit small villages and get acquainted with the life of local residents.
  4. Fishing in the Atlantic - fishing in the ocean at times superior to gathering on the bank of the river. Firstly, at home you will not find such a fish. And secondly, you can communicate with her closely if you go down to the bottom with an aqualung.
  5. Visit the carnival - the national carnival is held in the British West Indies in August in memory of the abolition of slavery. This is one of the main tourist attractions with marches, competitions and stylized shows.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of St. John's

The main attractions and entertainment of the capital of Antigua.

St. John's Cathedral

This cathedral is visible from afar thanks to its snow-white towers. It was built in the middle of the 19th century in the third variant, since the first two were destroyed by an earthquake. The cathedral is in the Baroque style. This is a majestic building that reminds locals of its difficult past.

Antigua and Barbuda Museum

This museum, located in the colonial courthouse, tells the story of the island. Here are exhibited artifacts, which were found with archaeoscopes. In the museum you can get acquainted with the life of the aborigines - here is a copy of the Arawak house in full size, created plantation models and much more.

Farm market

The farm market, located on the southern outskirts of the city, looks like a bee swarm at weekends. Everything here moves, rustles, overflows, sparkles, screams and lowers the price. On the market you can buy handicrafts and exotic tropical fruits. In addition, the market is a good morning exercise: you can poke, stretch your muscles.

Sports and active entertainment

In Antigua, the most popular sport is cricket. In the West Indies, even held a world championship in this sport. Cricket for Antigua to the power of love is akin to football in Russia, although our fans with these clubs are unclear.

Also on the island are training professional athletes and tennis players who represent the country at major competitions.

For tourists on the island full of active activities: surfing, diving, golf, motorbike rides, scooters, kayaks, jeep tours and much more.