January 03, 2015 - March 07, 2015

Argentinian Carnival

Celebrations and events of Argentina Argentine carnival in scope and color is not inferior to the famous Brazilian dance festival in Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, the carnival in Argentina is considered the longest in the world. It takes place every Saturday throughout January and February in the city of Gualeguaychu.

02 January 2016 - 05 March 2016

Argentinian Carnival

Celebrations and events of Argentina Argentine carnival in scope and color is not inferior to the famous Brazilian dance festival in Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, the carnival in Argentina is considered the longest in the world. It takes place every Saturday throughout January and February in the city of Gualeguaychu.

Residents of the beautiful South American country of Argentina are very fond of holidays and everything connected with them .And although the New Year is celebrated very quietly and at home, a little later in Argentina begins the Carnival of the Country, the longest carnival in the world, which lasts for two whole months .In these winter months that we are accustomed to in Argentina, the bright, shining summer lasts, where hundreds of thousands of tourists come here from all over the world, that they never want to miss this grand colorful event, "the time of carnivals and love", as the Argentines call it " The .

Every Saturday for two months the streets of the cities are drowned in a motley stream of dancing people dressed in sparkling colorful costumes and feathers, the music sounds without stopping, and dancers from all corners of Argentina perform their exhilarating dances.

Not only gay carnivals interest Argentines: this proud and much-suffering people honor and remember the landmarks of their history. On June 20, the country celebrates the Flag Day of Argentina, with its blue color in honor of the sky and white, symbolizing the snowy peaks of the Andes. Celebrations are held in the city of Rosario, where rallies and ceremonial processions are held this day, bringing together military and government officials.

Another national patriotic holiday - the Independence Day of Argentina - is celebrated on July 9 in honor of the Declaration of Independence of the Spanish Crown, adopted in 1816, .Argentines believe that it was on this day that their Republic was born, that is why they celebrate with a large scale and with all their heart .In all cities and villages of the country there are graceful parades to the sounds of brass bands, Argentine cowboys and gauchos march along the streets on graceful horses and shining old cars drive, parks and squares sound folk tunes, for which Argentines dance until late at night..

Lovers of live music absolutely need from October 7 to 19 to get to Buenos Aires, where at this time the International Guitar Festival in Argentina is held.

On September 11, Argentina celebrated one of the most revered professional holidays in the country - the teacher's day. This holiday is national in nature, the students congratulate their teachers and give them gifts. In addition, this day falls on the anniversary of the death of the beloved president of the country Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, whom the Argentines affectionately nicknamed the teacher-president.

Lovers of live music absolutely need from October 7 to 19 to get to Buenos Aires, where at this time the International Guitar Festival is held in Argentina. Since 1995, this event in the world of music, gradually gaining fame and fame, attracts not only grateful listeners, but also famous guitarists of Latin America and Europe, to the capital of Argentina.

It was in Argentina that a live and emotional, passionate and sincere dance of the beginning of the 20th century was born - tango, in which the rhythms and movements of Cuba, Africa and Europe intertwined. On December 11, the Argentines celebrate Carlos Gardel's birthday, which is considered the author of this beautiful dance, symbolizing the Argentine nation with its temperament and love.

The whole country is filled with tango sounds, people give themselves to the power of dancing in the streets, in cafes and restaurants, and the spectacle is absolutely amazing, not comparable to anything.

Catholic Argentineans celebrate very similar to Europeans - this is a family holiday, in which it is customary to be close to relatives and relatives, to cover the festive table. This table is traditionally decorated with the main dish - beef or pig, roasted on coals, and various sweets with nuts, dried fruits and chocolate. There is also traditional champagne and, of course, gifts - except that the Christmas tree in this part of the world does not grow. At night, the sky shines with fireworks, and young people go to bars and discos, where they have fun until the morning.