Iguazu National Park is located only 18 km from the city of Puerto Iguazu and 7 km from the airport .Its main attraction is the famous waterfall of the same name, the true miracle of the world .It is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, near the border with Paraguay .Its nature and climate Iguassu Park resembles the tropics of the Amazonian forests .Forests here are multi-level, the highest level of tree crowns is called "canopy", below - a few more "steps" of lower trees .At the lowest level of shrubs and herbs, there are different kinds of yerba mate, from which tea is made popular in Argentina..Orchids grow right on tree trunks .


  • 1 Iguazu weather forecast
  • 2 Hotels
  • 3 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Iguassu
    • 3.1 We also recommend

Iguazu weather forecast

Iguassu March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, thunderstorms
+31 ° С in the day
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Iguassu March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, heavy rain, thunderstorms
+31 ° С in the day
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Iguassu March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain, thunderstorms
+29 ° С in the day
+25 ° С at night
° С water
Iguazu weather forecast for 10 days
2 things to do in Iguassu
  1. In advance, put on your most beautiful swimsuit, but to hide the thin cotton blouses, since Iguassu has not yet saved anyone from splashing.
  2. After a busy day spent relaxing in the popular restaurant among tourists La Rueda.


The hotel infrastructure attracts guests not only with a variety of hotels and apartments, but also allows tourists to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the Iguazu Park directly from their room.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Iguassu

Typically, a classic tour of the park includes a short walk from the entrance to the national park to the railway station (narrow gauge railway), from where the path goes directly to the waterfalls .15 minutes on the trailer - and tourists on the spot .Before the "Throat of the Devil" it is necessary to pass 1200 meters on the pendant bridges, and in 20 minutes before the tourists there is a grand spectacle - the waterfall .Further, the group returns by train to the central camp, from where all are sent to the car through the jungle to the canyon and on a small pier are again transplanted to the boat .Ten minutes of crazy drive along the rushing river, and the boat is at the foot of waterfalls, which literally an hour ago everyone was watching from above $ $ .

Raincoats to buy is useless: all the same, all will get wet. Better still in the morning at the hotel, going on an excursion, to put on swimsuits and swimming trunks, and in the boat to remove the clothes removed in a rubber bag, which can be taken at the pier. In it you can put the camera when it is advised by the skipper.
In most of the national parks of Argentina, tourists pay entrance tickets themselves. The cost ranges from 20 to 60 pesos, that is, from 7 to 20 USD.

In the evening, after the tour, you can go to Puerto Iguazu, where to visit La Rueda, one of the best restaurants in this town.

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