Ayers Rock Rock, Australia

There are such exotic corners in the world where you want to come again and again. It is to such places that Australia belongs.

Brief description of Australia

This state occupies the whole continent, and already this alone is unique. This continent is the smallest on the planet. The majority of Australians live in cities and only twelve percent are resettled in the rest of the country.

If you briefly characterize Australia, then this country has about twenty million people, officially called the "Australian Union" and has a form of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy . In this country there are also many different attractions. That's why tourists buy tourists to Australia very willingly.

Kakadu Park

If you decide to visit Australia, then you just need to visit the Kakadu National Park. This park is located in the north of the continent, slightly east of Darwin. The park has an area of ​​about 19 thousand square kilometers, its territory is inhabited by many species of flora and fauna. This balanced ecosystem has no equal in the world.

Kangaroo Island

If you want to enjoy pristine beaches, excellent fishing and diving, then be sure to visit Kangaroo Island. It is unique in that it separated from the mainland in the era of the ice age. In this regard, the island has many species of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Red Desert

Also, one of the main natural attractions of the Australian continent is the Red Desert. There, straight from the sand rise huge monoliths, which have a brownish-reddish hue. The largest monolith is called Uluru. It has a height of 348 m.

In the same desert, there is the Kata-Tjuta mountain system, which has about 36 stone formations, also having a reddish tint.

Twelve Apostles

It is worth mentioning about the twelve apostles. If you find yourself on the sea coast of Victoria, then be sure to visit the twelve rocks, which are also called the apostles. This is truly a unique sight, which is worthy to be seen at least once in your life. Calcareous rocks have acquired their bizarre shape as a result of centuries of ocean work. There is an observation deck, which offers a wonderful view of the beauty of the coast from a 200-meter height.

In Australia, there are many more unique places that are eagerly waiting for tourists to please them with their beauty and spectacularity.

The material was posted on June 2, 2011.