Carinthia - one of the nine federal states of Austria, located in the south of the country .The homeland of the purest lakes and the second highest mountain peak in Europe, Grossglockner is famous for its almost Mediterranean climate in the region of the Lavantia River valley and severe in the north of the region .The river Drava flowing through Carinthia with numerous tributaries - the water wealth of the region .However, it is not the mountain river that is the main natural attraction, but the lakes formed by the melting of the lake .Some of them are located in the valleys, is large enough and is a place of attraction for tourists from around the world..Others are less accessible and are on top of the mountains .Picturesque landscape around and small depth - distinctive features .But these alpine alpine lakes give rise to many rivers .

The most beautiful lake in Carinthia is traditionally considered the Werther See, located near Slovenia .In addition, it is the largest in area and from the middle of the 19th century served as a favorite place for recreation of representatives of the Viennese aristocracy .On the shore of the lake is the capital of Carinthia - Klagenfurt .The most famous and well-equipped local resort is Velden .Many great people of this world honored their presence with this Austrian health resort .Millstätter See is also considered a large lake .It is much deeper and is the habitat for twenty species of fish .Warm water attracts tourists here, and excellent opportunities for fishing fans of a quiet pastime .Klopeiner-See - a small reservoir with the highest temperature in Carinthia .Its shores are another tourist mecca .

The main advantage of the lakes of Carinthia, which best testifies to their purity, is the ability to drink water without any pretreatment. However, of course, you should not taste the glacial lake in the coastal part. It's better to get to the center.

Two large lakes Ossiacher See and Weissen-See warm up in summer up to 25 degrees. Ossiacher See - a favorite place among anglers. Weissen-See is famous for its small development of the coast and, as a result, beautiful scenery around.

Carinthia Lakes