Book hotel in Austria at the best price

 Expert reviews about hotels in Austria
Editors of Subtleties
Hotels in Austria undergo mandatory certification by the government of the country and comply with the norms , established by the International Hotel Association. At the same time, the rating in 1 * does not by any means pay attention - in the majority these hotels are quite decent, only deprived of a number of services, starting from private bathrooms in the room. But the accommodation in this room is exceptionally cheap, and the standards of cleanliness and comfort are observed no less carefully than in luxury apartments.

The following notation is used to indicate additional hotel services:

  1. K (Komfortzimmer) - separate bathroom , TV and internet in the room, excellent service;
  2. DZ (Doppelzimmer) - double room;
  3. MZ (Mehrbettzimmer) - family room or room with three or more beds;
  4. EZ ( Einzelzimmer) - single room;
  5. VP (Vollpension) - full board;
  6. HP (Halbpension) - half board;
  7. UF (U bernachtung mit Fruhstuck) or NF (Nachtigung mit Fruhstuck) - Bed & Breakfast - only bed and breakfast;

There is an additional classification:

  1. Gasthof - modest hotel, approx. 2 *;
  2. Hotel-Garni - hotel where breakfast is only available;
  3. Gastehaus (not to be confused with Gasthaus, that is just a restaurant) is a small B & B hotel.
  4. Pension or Fruhstuckspension is a tiny hotel, occupying one or two floors in an ordinary house and providing guests with bed and breakfast.
Only in large hotels does the staff speak English, and all the inscriptions and the list of services of the double In 2-3 languages, in many small hotels German is the main one. Therefore, take the trouble to learn a few phrases in German, and even better get a phrase book.

The seasonality of Austrian resorts and hotels is

"High season" in Austrian hotels comes at different times: in Salzburg and Vienna, the maximum influx of tourists comes in the summer months, and in Innsbruck, to the famous ski resorts, with the same willingness to come in both summer and winter. At especially mountain-skiing resorts the high season - from Christmas to the end of March - the middle of April. In summer here (even if the resort is alpine and allows you to ski all year round), tourists are much smaller and prices noticeably decrease.

April and October - a low season throughout the country, characterized by minimal prices for accommodation and services. At the same time in the spring and autumn, some hotels do offer substantial discounts, while others - at all closed. Their closure may depend on the transport connection - so in some areas the alpine passes, cableways and railways do not function during the off-season (somewhere in the summer, somewhere in the winter) and save on accommodation will not work.

But in the high season, despite the abundance of hotels, it is recommended to take care of reservation of rooms in advance: there are so many tourists that despite the availability of funds, you can stay literally "on the street."

April and October - a low season throughout the country, characterized by minimal prices for accommodation and service.

Bed & Breakfasts $ $

Bed & Breakfasts - small hotels offering bed and breakfast services .Most of them along large highways and in the countryside .To determine whether there are places to stay - pay attention to the Zimmer frei tablets ("free rooms"), hung so that it was clearly visible from the road .Here you will be offered a rich continental breakfast, usually in the bathrooms there is hot and cold water, but the bathrooms themselves - one per floor or the house itself .Staying in a similar hotel for just one night, be prepared to pay in advance (and only in Euros) .

Alpine freemates

Farmhouse Accommodations - Traveling through the countryside of Austria, you can stop at the traditional Alpine farm. And depending on the number of guests, you can offer a separate room, a wing of the house or even a separate guest house. However, it is better to stop at a particular farm in advance in tourist offices or acquire a special card. Stay on an Austrian farm, usually lasts at least a week.

Castle hotels

Schlosshotels - hotels in ancient Austrian castles. Throughout its history, Austrian aristocrats built beautiful palaces and castles in the best imperial traditions, not only in large cities, but also spoiled themselves with magnificent country estates. Today many of them have been transformed into hotels where the interiors store the memory of the former owners, and all amenities are made in accordance with modern standards of comfort.

The chalet in the Austrian Alps is distinguished by the traditional interior - it is a wooden house in which there is necessarily a stove, the rooms are decorated with animal skins, and on the windows are white lace curtains.

Bed and breakfast

Pensions (boarding houses) in Austria on the level of service mostly correspond to hotels 2 * or 3 *, although the service in them is more "home". Often, these are so-called home hotels, where the owners themselves prepare their lodges and clean the rooms, maintaining the cozy atmosphere of this house. As a rule, a hearty continental breakfast is included in the price of accommodation, lunch should be managed in advance.

On average, the cost of hotels of various classes in Austria is somewhat cheaper than in Europe.


Youth hostels or hostels in Austria are ubiquitous: according to the latest calculations there are about 110 of them, and the average price for bed and breakfast in them is from 15 € (24 $) per person. In Vienna accommodation in hostels will cost more - within € 40-50. When choosing this accommodation option, consider that some of them are locked from 22:00 to 6:00, and between 10:00 and 17:00 hours, stay in the bedrooms is prohibited. Additional discounts are provided upon presentation of the International membership card Austria's youth hostels.

Chalets and villas for rent

Chalets, country villas and houses for rent can be found in many picturesque villages of Austria - in the mountains or valleys, near the most beautiful lakes. Rent a house can be for a period of several days (weekends) to several weeks. As a rule, the chalet in the Austrian Alps is distinguished by the traditional interior - it is a wooden house, in which there is necessarily a stove, the rooms are decorated with animal skins, and on the windows there are white lace curtains.

The average cost of living in hotels in Austria is

On average, the cost of hotels of various classes in Austria is somewhat cheaper than in Europe. Partly thanks to this, the Europeans themselves willingly rest in Austria, often creating an agiotage in such large cities as Vienna and Salzburg.

Accommodation in hotels 4-5 * will cost guests € 90-150 per person. The cheapest rooms for two with a bathroom in a private boarding house will cost approximately € 40-60, in hotels better - € 60-80. Hostel or the cheapest B & B - from € 10-15 per person.

In many small hotels and boarding houses credit cards are accepted with reluctance for payment.

However, you need to consider, about spending the night - it's not all spending in the trip. The food will add at least € 30 a day to the original calculation, visits to museums and coffee shops (and coffee in Austria are appreciably more expensive than beer) raises the price tag to € 60, and tickets to the opera or acquaintance with local nightclubs will double this amount. ±​​$ br >