Most of our compatriots prefer to spend their holidays abroad. And, which is quite logical, most often their choice is dictated by financial opportunities.

Price policy

Weyregg, Atter See, Salzkammergut, Salzburg, Austria

Approximately in one price category there is a rest in Turkey and in Crimea. Traditionally popular tours to Egypt. However, what to do for those who want to relax in more exotic places, in less common areas, but does not have sufficient funds? There is a way out - it is to organize a holiday on your own - thus saving some money, intended for payment of the services of a tourist operator.

Specificity of independent rest in Austria - $

Many people want to go to Europe, a lot of our compatriots go to Austria .Approximately six to seven years ago, 90% of tourists turned to intermediary firms .Nowadays, the ratio of those who organize trips on their own, and those who travel by tour - about 50 to 50% .Regarding the execution of a package of documents, the procedure for obtaining an Austrian visa is fairly simple..If your salary is lower than the border established by the embassy, ​​then it is enough to provide a statement on the status of a personal bank account,.The required amount is 60 EUR per day in Austria .Possible trip at the expense of the sponsor - in this case, do not forget to attach a letter from him to the required package of documents. By the way, tours to Thailand do not require compliance with such formalities.

Choice of place of residence

It is worth noting that Austria greatly values ​​its reputation as a country providing high-quality tourist services. That is why on whatever hotel you choose - 2 or 5-star - you can hope for a good service in full. Of course, Turkey hotels that offer all inclusive and Austrian hotels are two big differences, so do not expect an over-abundant table from the hotel in Vienna for breakfast or dinner. Yes, and overpay for this type of food should not be.

It is quite profitable to eat in Austrian catering establishments - bars, restaurants, cafes. The point is that the portions are very voluminous there, the price of the dishes is acceptable. This means that one portion may well be enough for two. Thus, you can order several dishes, thereby getting a full dinner from the first, the second for two people. Water in Austria can be drunk directly from the tap. Its quality is constantly monitored at the state level, so for your own health in case you drank tap water, not worth. $ $

The material was posted on July 13, 2011.