There are few countries that would be associated with mountain skiing as firmly as Austria .Skiing Austria is just as stable a combination as Mozart and Vienna - and there are all reasons: a lot of winter resorts with a well-developed infrastructure, a variety of quality slopes, which can be ridden for a record number of months a year, and a large April, which has long become a parable in the skiing "party" .In general, from which side you look - it turns out that behind the ski vacation on a hard five you need to go to Austria - this country is guaranteed not to deceive your expectations .

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On the pluses of winter Austria said a lot, and collect them together will not be superfluous. Let's start with the main factor for each conscious skier - the diversity and grooming of the slopes. Here Austria did not disappoint (however, as it turns out later, it did not help us on other issues) - in Tyrol alone, unofficially the capital of the local "mountain-skiing", the choice of tourists for more than 20 resorts with the most diverse slopes - shallow and steep, for "Middle peasants" and pros, "walking" and "technical" ...

Austrian routes are groomed for the envy of many competitors in snow tourism - the slightest irregularities are instantly expelled from the perfectly flat surface of the road, and the snow is closely watched by a dense snow cover - if anything, snow cannons immediately come into play. However, with the snow in the skiing in Austria, everything is in order: its alpine part is generously strewn with glaciers, hard-freezing the surface of the mountain from the inside, so that snow in many resorts falls already in November and does not melt until April.

It is not necessary to "stumble" in pompous resorts - in Austria there is a large number of less popular cities with very adequate prices.

The next pleasant "chip" of winter Austria is the extensive skiing areas, consisting of neighboring resorts, united by a single ski pass. For example, the picturesque valley of the Zillertal can be traveled without additional spending, having acquired a "ski pass" at once to five resorts - and this is an entire 668 km of trails for any level of athletes. At a fairly reasonable cost - about 200 EUR per week, such a ski pass will make it possible to diversify the ski holidays remarkably.

Mountains of Innsbruck Skiing Austria
Mountains of Innsbruck

Finally, we mention also one more feature of the skiing Austria, formally to this sport not related, but absolutely necessary - Apres! Indeed, even the most fanatical conquerors of the slopes and heights need "separation from society and falling" - in a pleasing figurative sense: skip a glass of other mulled wine, "hang out" in a nightclub and even indulge in other bad excesses .In this part, Austria has the honor to offer the best discos in the Alps, literally rattling throughout Europe, pompous restaurants with Michelin stars in the asset and a lot of opportunities for shopping at ski resorts - to find there you can do whatever your heart desires: from traditional chronometers to of gilded garden blades .

Of the few disadvantages of the skiing Austria, we mention only a relatively high price tag. Skiing in the country does not turn out to be a breeze - however, few people are striving for it, because for a quality holiday with excellent service and a variety of entertainment, you will have to fork out by default. However, it is not necessary to "stumble" in pompous resorts - in Austria there is a large number of less popular cities with more adequate prices. At the same time, the slopes and infrastructure are everywhere high.

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Skiing Austria