It is difficult not to fall under the charm of the beautiful Vienna - there is always a serene, dreamy atmosphere, thanks to which you feel unusually easy and calm..But not only peace is fascinated by the Austrian capital, melodic, like music itself, luxurious, like a royal ball .Vienna is a real storehouse for fine connoisseurs of culture and art, lovers of exquisite desserts and fragrant coffee, admirers of ancient architecture and majestic cathedrals..You can paint Viennese beauties endlessly, but it's better to see this magnificence with your own eyes .To get to Vienna, no special effort is required, to begin with you need to choose how to do it .Here you can fly by plane, come by bus or car, and by train .

Vienna is a real storehouse for fine connoisseurs of culture and art, lovers of exquisite desserts and fragrant coffee, admirers of ancient architecture and majestic cathedrals.

Traveling to Vienna by train is a very special occupation, but also very exciting. Of course, not everyone will appreciate the opportunity to spend more than 30 hours in the car, tourists, in priority for which the speed of movement and time savings, this type of recreation is unlikely to have to taste. However, if you are looking for contemplation and enjoy spending time watching people, cities and countries, there is no better option for vacation.

Routes to Vienna

Muscovites and guests of the capital have the opportunity to get to Vienna without a transfer. The direct train "Moscow - Vienna" departs from the Belorussian railway station at 7:30 and arrives at the Vienna railway station in 29 hours. The train runs through Belarus, Poland and the Czech Republic with two long stops in the Belarusian Brest and Bohemian Bohemia (more than two hours). In Brest, border and customs control awaits you, and the train undergoes a change of wheels (the width of European railways is slightly less than Russian ones).

The train "Moscow - Vienna" includes the cars of the first (double) and second (three-seat) classes, as well as the dining car (it should be only to Brest). The cost of the ticket to the compartment car of the second class is 219 EUR, the ticket to the luxury car will cost 316 EUR.

Tourists from St. Petersburg and other Russian cities are less fortunate, they can not get to Vienna without a transfer. As an option, you can offer to buy a ticket to Brest, where to transfer to a train, next to Vienna. Or buy a ticket at once for two trains: "St. Petersburg - Prague" and "Brest - Vienna", and in Brest change from one car to another.

Excursions in organized tours

The program of railway tours to Vienna usually includes one or two sightseeing tours (bus and pedestrian) and allocated free time, which can be spent on an independent acquaintance with the city or go on one of the additional paid excursions .As part of the sightseeing tours tourists get acquainted with the main historical and architectural monuments of Vienna, as well as museums and, of course, the legendary Vienna Opera .You will see the Museum of History of Natural History and the Museum of Art History, the building of Parliament and the Town Hall, visit the Schönbrunn Palace and stroll through the luxurious park, walk along the cozy Viennese streets of Kartnetstrasse and Graben, explore the ruins of the Roman era and look into St. Stephen's Cathedral..

Among the additional excursions are especially interesting trip to the suburbs of Vienna, an excursion to Salzburg, as well as a mini trip through the castles of Styria. The average cost of a tour to Vienna by train is 690 EUR (this includes the Moscow-Vienna-Moscow railway transfer, hotel accommodation, meals - breakfast, guide services).

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to Vienna by train