What to buy in Austria?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
From Austria as a gift and to itself it is accepted to bring crystal products Swarovski, porcelain figurines, musical boxes, bells on ribbons, miniature figures of Austrian bears and horses. Popular products with the image of crowned people and the famous Austrians from Mozart to Strauss.

A unique reminder of the trip will be jewelry made of semi-precious stone of green color, the only deposit in the world located in Austrian Burgenland. More products from this stone nowhere to be found!

Shoppers are unlikely to deny themselves the pleasure of buying national clothes: lacy blouses, traditional woolen coats "Loden", as well as almost souvenir Tyrolean hats, suede short panties for boys and cute dresses with lace for girls.

A nice souvenir arrived from Austria will be all sorts of Viennese sweets: Wafers Manner, chocolate cake with rum Sacher (Original Sacher Torte), chocolate sweets with marzipan Mozart Kuegel and stuff. And also pumpkin oil, Riesling wine and Eiswein, apricot brandy Marillen Schnaps (schnapps), the world's only chocolate liqueur Mozart and Austrian coffee of the premium class Jubiläum or Präsident.

Shops in Austria work from 8:00 to 18:30, on Saturday open before lunch, on Sundays and public holidays - closed. If you make purchases for more than 75 EUR, keep a check and do not open the shop packaging - then at the airport you will receive a refund of value added tax, about 13% of their price. This amount you can get either in cash directly at the customs, or by check or bank transfer.

November 29, 2013

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