April 18, 2015 - April 20, 2015

Festival "White Castle"

 Celebrations and events of Belarus "White Castle" is an international festival of medieval culture and music, which is annually in Minsk near the village of Ostroshitsky Gorodok in the territory of the historical and cultural center "Knight's Castle". The festival program is quite diverse and completely recreates the customs of medieval tournaments.

July 06, 2015

Ivan Kupala's holiday in Belarus

 Holidays and events in Belarus In the feast all plants are filled with mysterious forces, acquire healing abilities. Our ancestors had a belief that girls collecting grass in the fields under tender tunes brought the most miraculous leaflets and flowers. The central place in the holiday symbolism is occupied by the bathing fire.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Belarus

 Holidays and events in Belarus About Belarus is not often remembered by Russian residents when they make plans for the New Year. What to dissemble - the first in the list for Christmas holidays are all the same Turkey, Egypt or the ski resorts of Europe.

January 13, 2016 - January 14, 2016

 The rite of Festivities and events of Belarus " title=" Holidays and events of Belarus "> The rite of "Kings of Koleda" ("Kings of Koliada", "Kings of Christmas") is an old New Year's custom that exists in the village of Semejevo. It is a small village with a population of about 1000 people, located near Slutsk. Semejevo once stood on the river island.

Radunitsa, Gromnitsy, Semukh, Dozhinki and Zazhinki ... Are you talking about these words? These are the holidays that Belarus celebrates. And in the republic there are two world-famous festivals:

In March, the most spectacular knight festival "White Castle" is held near Minsk. It attracts lovers of antiquity from the US, Russia, Poland, Spain, the Baltic States ... Fights are held according to the tournament canons of the Middle Ages, the audience can also take part!

On the first Sunday after Easter or on the following Monday or Tuesday, Belarusians celebrate Radunitsa - one of the oldest holidays, when wine and food are brought to the graves of ancestors, games, songs and dances are arranged .Radunitsa - officially a non-working day in Belorussia .Residents have kept their customs today, although the church is sharply against the meal at the graves .February 2 Catholics, and the 15th Orthodox Belarusians celebrate the Gromnia .This is an ancient pagan holiday: on that day, sacrifices were made to the god Perun and watched the weather: a snowstorm, for example, meant a protracted winter .To celebrate again Gromnitsy Belarusians became in the 90 years of the last century .

Believers on this day go to church or church, consecrate candles there and store their houses as a guard against misfortune.

From the tourist point of view, the Belarusian holiday of the Dozhinki is of interest. In fact, it is dedicated to the last day of harvest. Since 1996, the Dozhinki is a republican festival-fair: with concerts, lottery, folk games and fun.

Annually in March near Minsk, in the village of Ostroshitsky Gorodok, one of the oldest knight festivals "White Castle" is held. The enchanting event lasts three days.

Today, the festival brings together over 1,500 re-enactors from around the world - participants from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, the USA, Spain, and the Baltic States come to shine with knightly skill.

All tournament competitions are held according to the medieval canons. And this is the card of the "White Castle"! Winners in different categories receive a corporate prize - a statuette of a knight-wanderer.

Interestingly, the festival's audience can also participate in some competitions, for example, in throwing axes and knives, archery or dancing.

In Belarus, another international festival is taking place, which is heard by everyone - the Slavonic Bazaar. The festival is already over 20 years old. In summer, recognized world stars and beginning artists perform in Vitebsk. A special tradition of the festival - downpours, but never concerts were not ripped off!