Beleu Castle

Beloeil, Rue du Chateau, 11

 Castles of Belgium The country residence of the princely family Liney - the famous castle of Belém - is located in a surprisingly picturesque area near Franco -Belgian border. The palace complex looks so impressive that it was known among the people as the "Belgian Versailles".

Bouillon Castle

Bouillon, Boulevard Heynen

 Castles of Belgium The popular tourist town of Bouillon, located on the Franco-Belgian border, is primarily famous the castle with the same name - the most important defensive structure of the Middle Ages. Castle Bouillon, like most fortifications of the time, served exclusively military purposes.

Van Oydonck Castle

Deinze, Ooidonkdreef, 9

 Castles of Belgium In the bend of the Lane River near Ghent is an elegant and majestic castle Van Oydonck. The surrounding nature - a beautiful park and a wide water ditch - radiate peace and tranquility. The old history of the castle stores so many cruel stories.

Gaasbek Castle


 Castles of Belgium Castle Gaasbek Ball built around 1236 for defense from neighbors, is located in the commune of Lennik, south-west of Brussels. The castle houses several valuable collections of art and everyday life of different eras.

Castle of the Flanders Counties

Gent, Geldmunt, 2-22

 Belgium Castles Castle of the Counts of Flanders is one of the most visited attractions in Ghent. The ancient fortress was built in the 12th century, but, despite the past centuries, it is well preserved to the present day, as you can see by looking here on the excursion.

Gerald Devil Castle

Gent, Geraard de Duivelstraat , 1

 Castles of Belgium Castle of Gerald the Devil - perhaps the second most visited object after the castle of the counts of Flanders. Despite a somewhat gloomy name, in the history of the medieval fortress there are no facts that would talk about its vampire past.

Stan Castle

Antwerpen, Steenplein, 1

 Castles of Belgium One of the popular routes for a walk through Antwerp starts from the right bank of the Scheldt, namely from the stone castle of Sten, which, without further ado, was called "stone". And all because in the 13th century, when the fortress was being built, the rest of the buildings were mostly of wood.

Castle Freyr

Freyr, Hastiere

 Castles of Belgium Castle Freyr is located in a picturesque place on the banks of the river Mesa. Far away, outside the river, through the dense greenery of the forest, sharp rocks break through, giving the locality a special atmosphere. Directly in front of the castle is a luxurious, regular garden, divided into several parts.

Dinant Citadel

Dinant, Place Reine Astrid, 3

 Belgium Castles From the citadel Dinant located on the cliff above the Maas river, opens beautiful view of the city with the same name and surroundings. The fortress was built in 1051 to protect the city from external enemies.

The Kingdom of Belgium ranks first in the world in terms of the number of castles per square kilometer of the square. In total there are more than 3 thousand medieval castles in the country, 400 of which are open to the general public. The majestic beauty of the ancient palaces of Belgium is harmoniously highlighted by the picturesque scenery of the Meuse River and the Ardennes forests. As a result, the gaze of curious tourists opens a truly unsurpassed sight - a magic symbiosis of natural and man-made beauty.

So, the most interesting examples of medieval architecture are concentrated in the provinces of Luxembourg, Liege and Namur. Here you can meet the most unexpected palace styles. However, other regions of the country have something to brag about. It's a pity that some of the castles of Belgium, for some reason deprived of tourist attention, gradually come to oblivion.

Prices for visiting the castles of Belgium usually do not exceed 10 EUR. Children under 12 years old, accompanied by their parents, have free admission. If you travel with a tourist group, then on excursion service you will save up to 30% of the entrance cost.

One of the most famous Belgian palaces - the castle of Bouillon - can safely be called the most warlike. A powerful impregnable fortress, towering over a small village in a few streets, admires even modern researchers who are familiar with the architecture of the Middle Ages. Additional entourage of the fortress is given by special performances with participation of birds of prey, which are organized on weekends.

Luxurious castle Belyi, on the contrary, is compared with the brilliance and solemnity of the symphony orchestra. For its original beauty, the palace received the unspoken nickname of the "Belgian Versailles". The architectural ensemble of the castle is really impressive, and a huge regular park of 25 hectares puts all the points above the "i."

There are more than 3 thousand medieval castles in the country, 400 of which are open to the public.

Frey Castle is elegant and simple. If Belyi is a symphony orchestra, then Freyr is a chamber orchestra. However, the aesthetics of the palace complex and the adjacent French park is quite expressive. And additional charm to the castle is attached to the surrounding landscapes of the Meuse River and distant stone rocks.

Van Oydonk Castle belongs to the most charming and well-groomed palaces of Belgium. This is not just a medieval museum, storing a lot of valuable works of art, but quite a modern and popular creative platform. Art exhibitions, film screenings and other cultural events are held regularly on the territory of Van Oydonka.

It is obvious that the castles of Belgium as originally paramilitary objects are owners of a heavy fate. In particular, than just had to stay behind the long history of the castle of the counts of Flanders: a defensive structure, a count's estate, a mint, a textile factory, a Flanders court building and even a prison. Well, now the castle is a very popular museum.

The rich Belgian land keeps many more remarkable monuments of architecture. Each Belgian castle separately is a small story, and all of them together are a reflection of an era.

All prices are in 2014