One of the South American cities that has come a long way in its cultural and historical development is .As in the overwhelming majority of the relatively large cities of South America, Cochabamba was not without tragic pages of history associated with the Spanish invaders .Until the middle of the sixteenth century, the territory of modern Cochabamba was home to respectable Indians who grew maize and called themselves "Quechua" .But in 1542, everything changed seriously with the arrival of Spanish colonists .Local population made active attempts to resist, but all failed .

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How to get

Since Cochabamba is a fairly advanced modern city, there are almost no problems with transport here. The city has an international airport, which greatly simplifies the arrival of tourists in the village, the railway station and a large bus station - for intercity flights in the surrounding area.

Search air tickets in Cochabamba

A paragraph of history

Officially, the Spaniards were founded here on January 1, 1574, at the same time the historical part of modern Cochabamba was built, made in the traditional colonial style .Its modern name was received only in 1786, and in translation it often means "swampy terrain" .A little later, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the brave Bolivian rebels valiantly won their small homeland and wrested from the Spanish yoke another colony .Nevertheless, the buildings of the Europeans were not demolished, they continued to talk among themselves in Spanish and from the Catholic faith did not refuse, for which many historians of architecture and colonial culture are inexpressibly grateful to them .


Cochabamba March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain, thunderstorms
+23 ° С in the day
+17 ° С at night
° С water
Cochabamba March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain, thunderstorms
+23 ° С in the day
+17 ° С at night
° С water
Cochabamba March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain, thunderstorms
+24 ° С in the afternoon
+17 ° С at night
° С water
Cochabamba weather forecast for 10 days

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Cochabamba

With regard to attractions, the most notable monument here is the statue of Christ on Mount San Pedro. In fact, representing an analog of the statue of Rio de Janeiro, only a few meters higher.

It is worth noting that sightseeing tours to the observation deck of the statue are not sent every day, due to weather conditions, so the updated information must be carefully monitored to become a witness to one of the most magnificent panoramas of South America.

To date, Cochabamba is a fairly secular city, there is no obvious shortage of banks, bars, restaurants and other entertainment venues here. Moreover, the historical part, the "old city", was harmoniously complemented by modern buildings, which would not allow the European tourist to feel like one of the medieval invaders in the middle of the Bolivian city.

The friendly people of Cochabamba are also not stranger to cultural values, which is confirmed by a fairly developed urban cultural center, in which, according to eyewitnesses, there really is something to see. Moreover, in Bolivia, not so long ago, objects of contemporary art were discovered, the exhibition of which was immediately organized and declared about this to the entire white light of South America.

Types of Cochabamba


Of the more widespread festive cultural traditions, you can meet carnival processions that take place in February and March for four consecutive days. The format of the celebrations is about the same as at the famous Rio de Janeiro celebrations, so it makes sense to arrange your vacation in such a way as to catch the celebrating Cochabamba residents and take part in the event yourself.

In addition, every year in the middle of August, in the early morning, the inhabitants of Cochabamba leave their homes in a single rush, unite in a huge festive procession and go with a procession to neighboring Kilakolo to jointly visit the Virgin Urquina's cancer - the patroness of the settlement .If there is a strong feeling that one of the days of your vacation you are able to overcome a half dozen kilometers in the mixed landscape of the Bolivian area, it makes sense to participate in the procession of the cross .Many argue that it's worth it .

Just in case, it is worth saying that every year on August 15 the road between Cochabamba and the city in which the Virgo cancer is located overlaps to make room for the participants in the procession.