Far and unexplored Brazil attracted potential tourists from the CIS countries from time immemorial. And many find a reasonably rational explanation for this. First of all, it is surprising that the South American country is on the "that" side of the equator, which makes its climate mirror the opposite of the Eurasian continent. In other words, if Europeans are in full swing with winter, then in sunny Brazil the summer is in full swing.

In addition, the famous carnival can not leave humanity indifferent. According to experienced experts, if a tourist has an irresistible desire to participate in this magical action, it is best to book hotel rooms in advance. As practice shows, about half a year before the start of the main event, almost all hotels are occupied.

However, with all the external appeal of this amazing place on the map, do not forget that the TOP-5 most criminal countries in the world is closed by Brazil. To our great regret, even the statue of Jesus over Rio de Janeiro is not capable of preserving the grisly hands of the Brazilian pluckers, acquired by excessive labor.

That's why, even if you really want to, you have to overcome your desire to show expensive jewelry, accessories, and leave more or less valuable things on the beach unattended, since the inhabitants of poor areas almost never sleep, but spend all their free time in search of potential victim.
Country contrasts
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What to see

The story of Brazil, no doubt, can not do without mentioning certain places, especially those dear to the Russian heart. Many of those who have a color TV in the nineties can certainly pass with closed eyes through all the back streets of the city of Sao Paulo, in which the action of the serials "The Slave of Izaura" and "The New Victim" unfolded, which seized the minds of mankind on long period.

In fact, Sao Paulo is one of the world's largest megacities and is distinguished by its somewhat controversial nature. Among the many museums and galleries of the city, the Museum of Modern Art and the State Picture Gallery deserve special attention. In this case, do not forget that touching the "modern art" will require some preparation, otherwise feel the depth and strength of the creative impulse will not be so easy.

The nature of Brazil is

Another undeniable advantage of Brazil is its rich flora and fauna .In total, the country can fit almost one and a half hundred reserves and national parks .The vast majority of them are in the tropical climate zone, which forces tourists during the tour to take in the hands of a machete and get accustomed to the role of Indiana Jones .According to the opinions of experienced experts, such adventures are best for adults without children and parents, since the last two categories of citizens can make it difficult to inspect natural landscapes, get tired or get sick..

But look at the waterfalls you can already all the noble family. Iguassu deserves special attention, which in translation from Indian into Russian sounds unpredictable as "big water". Meanwhile, to the credit of the Indians, it is worth saying that the water is really rather big. The base of the waterfall is the continuation of the Iguazu River, whose channel in the place of the cliff is approximately four kilometers, which unambiguously hints at the majestic nature of the further landscape.

Country contrasts

Finally, I would like to please all the connoisseurs of the Portuguese language, since it is he who is the state language in Brazil. But the adherents of the Catholic tradition will certainly not be very satisfied with the behavior of the local population. Since, despite the official, civilized, Catholic God's help, the Brazilians persevere in worshiping their local idols, profess African animism and other, utterly improbable religions. Country contrasts, in a word.

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