Vancouver hotels
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Book hotel in Canada at the best price

  • Vancouver hotels
  • Quebec hotels
  • Montreal hotels
  • Toronto hotels

Travelers traveling to Canada are already lucky: at least with a choice of a place of residence of problems they precisely will not arise. It is believed that the Canadians, as well as the Swiss, have a special gift to equip the entertainment and tourism industry in the best way for the tourist. This is expressed as a hotel fund and rented accommodation, as well as the best organization of services in the hotels of the country.

In Canada, the gradation of "starryness" of hotels has its own characteristics . The characteristics of the correspondence from one to five stars are assigned to hotels based on assessments of independent judges within the framework of Canada Select . . This classification is completely voluntary, so if some hotel does not have "stars", this does not mean low quality of service in it. - $ This rating system uses special popularity The owners of small hotels working on the principle of "Bed & Breakfast" - to confirm a really high level of service .

Reviews of experts about hotels in Canada

 Hotels in Canada
Editions Thinness
As a rule, most tourists prefer 3 * hotels. Of course, they are not distinguished by luxury and especially memorable features, but they are clean, cozy and offered good service.

Four-star hotels are more chic. And the special difference between hotels four-and five-star guests can not notice: their differences are no longer in the quality of service and equipping with basic necessities, but in the features of finishing rooms, additional services, etc. For example, in the decoration of the rooms of a five-star hotel will be used more expensive fabrics for curtains and bedspreads.

However, this all applies to traditional hotels, which are familiar to travelers anywhere in the world .However, in Canada there are more interesting options for placing .For example, the hotel chain Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, representing dozens of beautiful historic hotels in buildings built in the early 20th century by Canadian railways near large stations .Called by the Canadian Railway Hotels, they are located in the largest cities of the country: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Windsor, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Sv .John and Halifax .Many of them today are considered real symbols of Canada: Empress ("Imperial Hotel") in Victoria, Château Lake Louise, Banff Springs or Château Frontenac in Quebec..The buildings and their interior have been lovingly restored by modern owners and meet the highest standards of the hotel business: the choice of lodgers is whether they are ready to leave such a tidy sum for the fact of living in a legend hotel, or will find a simpler place for themselves .

Even if the night in such a luxurious apartment does not fit into your budget, allow yourself to stroll through the hotel lobby and dine at the restaurant at the hotel - this is quite equivalent to visiting the museum and getting acquainted with the sights of the country.

In Canada, many world-famous hotel chains are deployed: Hilton, Hyatt, Radisson, Ramada, Westin .There are own hotel chains in this country .The most famous among them is Delta Hotels (not to be confused with the airline of the same name!), Designed primarily for business travelers, distinguished by excellent service and excellent interiors .In Western Canada, there is a smaller hotel chain - Coast Hotels and Resorts, which also meets the high standards of business hotels - $ .And, finally, presented in Canada itself and in other countries of North America (and especially in the US), Best Western has a good service at a comparatively low cost of living .

In addition to large hotels in Canada, small B & B hotels (Bed & Breakfast), offering not only a bed, but also an excellent breakfast included in the price of accommodation, are well-spread. As a rule, these are so-called family hotels, characterized by home comfort and low prices.

In addition, in Canada are very common small guest houses, rented entirely or in rooms and located in small towns and rural areas. They offer quite decent service and comfortable accommodation even in the most remote areas. Near the major roads are also located motels (abbreviated name from "motor hotel"), offering lodging and parking for late travelers.

Hostels are an excellent choice for thrifty tourists..The most famous hostel chains in Canada are Hostelling International Canada, Backpackers Hostels Canada, SameSun Backpacker Lodges and Pacific Hostel Network (the latter is also represented in Alaska and the US North) .The living conditions in the hostels of large networks are quite comfortable and correspond to rather high standards .In addition, young people may find interesting options such as staying in real university dormitories, usually empty during the vacation .If the trip is planned for August, Christmas vacation or Easter week - it is worth to familiarize yourself with the offers on university sites .

And for connoisseurs of Canada's beautiful nature, there are many campsites and tent camps. Many of them are located in national parks and even private parklands, and the area around them is traditionally very well maintained and beautiful.

How much does accommodation cost in Canada hotels? $

Of course, the cost of accommodation in hotels in Canada depends on the time of year and the prominence of the place: in tourist areas in the high season, prices for stashing are traditionally higher. So the difference in the cost of a decent room in a good hotel in the season and off-season varies by a hundred dollars.

The Great Railway Hotels offer rooms ranging from $ 150 to $ 400 per night, depending on the city and the size of the apartments themselves. Family hotels B & B take guests from $ 45 to $ 140 per night - also depending on the place and level of comfort in the hotel. Small country hotels and motels offer accommodation for $ 40-60, and in the off-season this price can be reduced.

With regard to accommodation in guest houses, cottages, private apartments - each case is considered separately depending on the location, equipment, a set of additional services, etc. Some picturesque houses near the famous Canadian lakes will cost quite inexpensively and become a real home for travelers for any period of time lease.

Hostels in Canada offer both accommodation in shared rooms ($ 20-40) and single rooms ($ 45-80), which allows you to significantly reduce the cost of living in large cities.