How to obtain Canadian citizenship?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The first step to obtaining Canadian citizenship will be official immigration under one of the existing programs. After entering the country on an immigration visa and repaying it at the border, you fill out the necessary documents for permanent resident status. Approving his special card (Permanent Residence Card, abbreviated PRC), the immigrant receives by mail to the address specified by him.

In this status you must live 3 years without leaving the country. The exception is short-term visits with the Canadian husband-wife-parent. Or if a close person or you work in a public institution.

At the end of this period and in the absence of a criminal record, you can file a request for citizenship of Canada. Attached are references to the availability of permanent work, documents confirming knowledge of the language (IELTS or TEF, TEFAQ, TCF, DALF results). In return, you get the book A Look at Canada, which prepares for a test on citizenship, consisting of 20 questions.

If everything is in order, in a week or two you get a positive answer and an invitation to the ceremony of the Canadian citizenship. And after it you can order your passport.

June 9, 2012

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