Tremblant is located in the south-eastern part of the country and, it must be admitted, is much inferior to its "mountain-skiing brothers" from southwestern Canada - the mountains are lower and the season is shorter. However, it is considered the highest peak of Canada in the mountain range of the Laurentian mountains, covered with snow from December to April. The resort is located 130 km from Montreal, just an hour and a half drive from its international airport.

Getting there

Tembland International Airport runs direct charter flights from Philadelphia and Dallas, Continental Airlines provides regular flights to Tremblant flights from Newark, and Porter Airlines from Toronto. And the nearest airport to the resort is located in Montreal.

The long-distance bus service in Tremblant is provided by Groupe Galland, the routes of which connect Montreal, Tremblant and Mont-Laurier. In winter, while the ski season lasts, Skyport organizes a direct bus service from Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport to Montreal to the Tremblant Resort.

Airline Tickets to Kelowna (nearest Tremblant Airport)

By Car

Easier just reach Tremblant by motorway No.15, leading with Montreal belief St Agate where it connects № track 117. Further, according to the directions necessary to roll 119 and exit № Tremblant to follow. The whole trip takes about 90 minutes.

Traveling from the west of the country (from Ottawa and Toronto), it is more convenient to use smaller roads, following which you can cut several kilometers. However, it should be borne in mind that such roads in winter from time to time fill up with snow, and in this situation, a detour through Montreal will be the most optimal option.

A little history

In 1938, researcher Joe Ryan from Philadelphia arrived in Tremblant in search of gold. Accompanied by Harry Wheeler and American journalist Lowell Thomas, they climbed to the top of the mountain. It is said that it was then that Joe Ryan promised to turn this "locality" into a world-class resort. And just a year later, his dream came true - in February 1939, Joe Ryan opened the Mont Tremblant Lodge, which is still part of Tremblant.

In the early years of the resort, Lowell Thomas, who was also a former skier, could make the resort popular. Tremblant received his name after the name of a three-seater lift located on the northern slope of the mountain.

The resort remained independent until 1991, when it was acquired by Intrawest, which immediately expanded the resort village and started the construction of new ski lifts, including and the nacelle. Other changes initiated by companies include the construction of the Grand Manitou Summit Lodge.

In 2009, at the foot of the slopes of the Sunny side, a casino was opened, served by a new 8-seat passenger gondola leading to the casino right from the resort.


Tremblan Trails

The biggest difference in elevations in Tremblant is 649 m, the longest route is 6 km. Altogether, there are 95 trails to which 14 skiers are transported to the heights.

The entire Tremblana ski area consists of four ski slopes - the South / Soleil Side and the North / Edge Side ) - a different level of complexity, snow cover and panoramas. The North slope of the resort is more conveniently equipped, where the tracks are better, and free parking is directly at the ski lifts.

Snow park Tremblana with its 7 hectares « extreme "attracts experienced snowboarders and skiers, and fans of cross-country skiing time uet 65 km of snow-white 'powder ».

Entertainment, tours and attractions Tremblant

addition to a meaningless clock tower, situated in the lower village, Tremblant no iconic historical sights. However, the lack of them and not at all noticeable, because all the attractiveness of Tremblan appears before his eyes in his natural beauty. Mountains, lakes and forests create an almost idyllic atmosphere here, especially palpable in the northern part of the resort with its rural way of life.

In Tremblant you can take a ride on tubing, on sleigh with dog sledges, go on horseback riding through snow-covered fields, mountaineering or wander through untouched snow in snowshoes. Daredevil will experience adrenaline rush, overcoming the route "Akrobranch" - a path with obstacles, among them "tarzanki", pendant bridges and a climax climb back to the village by a rope.

In 1938, the explorer Joe Ryan arrived in Tremblant in search of gold. Accompanied by Harry Wheeler and an American journalist, they climbed to the top of the mountain. They say that it was then that Joe promised to turn this "terrain" into a world-class resort.

The procedures of the Aquaclub La Source SPA center, also equipped with a gym and jacuzzi in the open air, will help relax and relax after a day of skiing. The cost of an adult ticket for a visit to the jacuzzi and gym is about 24 dollars per day.

Seven days a week in Tremblant there is a casino located between the Versant Soleil and Versant Sud stations connected by a gondola. period The southern slope of Mount Mont-Tremblant is an excellent starting point for further travels - there is a bicycle rental service and an indoor swimming pool at Aquaclub La Source. The swimming pool is open to visitors daily from 10:00 to 21:00, the subscription fee is $ 20 per adult and $ 10 per child for one day.

In Tremblant you can play mini golf or go down to the shore of Lake Tremblant for water sports. And at the top of the resort is the Activity Center, where everyone will find something to do.

Nearby is the Parc de Mont Tremblant, one of Quebec's main parks. There is a camping area and hiking trails, and a canoe is available for rent.

Prices are as of October 2012.