Do we need a visa in our case? We purchased Vladivostok-Beijing tickets (and back) with further follow-up on the Beijing-Manila route with a stopover in Guangzhou with a change of flight (6 hours stay in Beijing, 2, 5 hours - in Guangzhou, Baiyun International Airport). Reverse route: Manila - Beijing with a landing in Guangzhou with a change of flight (7, 40 hours stay in Beijing, 2 hours 45 minutes - Guangzhou, Baiyun International Airport) within 24 hours one day (on the way there and back).

On your website read the information:

Visa-free transit through the territory of China is allowed in the case when it is required to change from one flight to another within 24 hours. If you arrive at Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou, the flight to a third country must be made on the same day. service airport).

As we understand, this is our case? Could you give the name of the official document or give a link to it, where this information is registered.

Answer Larisa Barysheva
In this case, you need a two-time Chinese visa. Visa-free stay in the territory of the PRC within 24 hours is allowed provided there is a ticket to a third country, that is if you were flying along the Vladivostok-Beijing-Manila-Beijing-Vladivostok route, a visa would not be needed, and so inside China (Beijing-Guangzhou - Beijing) you can not travel without a visa.
Responds Larissa Skornyakova, Unex company
In your case, you do not really need an entry visa for the PRC, as you will fly outside the country within 24 hours.

This rule for foreign citizens regul is governed by the Law of the People's Republic of China "On the procedure for the entry into and departure from China of foreigners" (adopted at the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress of the Sixth Convocation on November 22, 1985, published on November 23, 1985).And it reads as follows: "Foreigners holding a ticket with the continuation of the route and following international direct transit flights that do not leave the airport and whose stay in China does not exceed 24 hours are exempt from visa processing..Persons who need to temporarily leave the airport must obtain permission from the border control authorities .»

June 22, 2011

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