Bought a tour to Hainan for 13 days. I want to spend a few days on an independent trip: first Guangzhou, then Hong Kong, and then on the ferry back to Hainan. Can I issue a single visa to China in Sanya and in what time frame will it be ready? Will I have to pay a visa fee on my return to Hainan?

Responds Larissa Barysheva
With a planned itinerary, it is necessary to make an individual Chinese visa (pasted into a passport, not a list !!!) The visa can be issued upon arrival at the airport "Phoenix" in Sanya city or at the seaport, the visa cost for Russian citizens is $ 63. I draw your attention to the fact that at the moment there is no sea communication between Hong Kong and Fr. Hainan, the ferry can only be reached from Guangzhou to Haikou (297 km from Sanya).

June 7, 2012

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