Our eastern neighbors, in spite of obstacles and inconveniences, painstakingly and tirelessly build a paradise on earth, and the opportunity to breathe in the scent of progress is received by any guest of this amazing country - already on the plane's ramp. After all, as is known, by the amount of electronics per capita the Chinese have long surpassed both satiated Americans and prim Japanese.

On the other hand, the "madness" of Asians on exact sciences and gadgets is nothing more than a myth; they honor the memory of their ancestors, constantly restore cultural monuments and organize new excursion routes for guests.

To see the fruits of incredible Chinese diligence is not so difficult and expensive as it may seem: air tickets to China are inexpensive, and the flight is not as long .For example, in the capital airport of Shoudou airliner Air China drives in less than eight hours, and a ticket to the economy class at a price is even cheaper than a flight to a European resort .If you allocate a little more time for the trip and use the services of Kazakh Air Astana, then the ticket to "Airbus" will be cheaper than a new mobile phone! In addition, flights to Beijing are also carried out by airlines Emirates, S7, China Southern - all at affordable prices, albeit with transfers .Carefully consider the route, if your plans do not include, for example, a 14-hour transplant in Krasnoyarsk!

In Shanghai, it will take a little longer, and there are fewer direct flights there - they are organized only by Aeroflot and China Southern. However, prices remain at a more than reasonable level, and the time to fly to Pudong Airport will go a little more than the way to the Chinese capital - only nine hours. Do not forget to transfer the clock for four hours ahead, and a successful vacation!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to China for the New Year."