1 In China, there will be a list of disgracing country tourists

The government of the Heavenly Empire has seriously considered the introduction of a blacklist of citizens that dishonor the honor of the country during foreign travel. In proportion to the active growth in the number of Chinese tourists abroad, the number of complaints about their behavior is also increasing. Complaints against the Chinese come from both airline employees and accommodation facilities, as well as from residents of the cities visited by Asian travelers.

In view of the increased complaints, the authorities of the country decided to seriously take up the mountain tourists, undermining the image of China. The National Tourism Board announced plans to register those tourists who showed themselves abroad on the negative side. It is even proposed to divide offenders according to the seriousness of the offenses. Subscribers are also invited to report on "unreliable" tourists from among their fellow citizens, evidence of misconduct in the form of photographs will be encouraged by the authorities.

It is assumed that first the blacklisted tourists will receive reminders about the need to observe the rules of decency abroad. The same travelers who are repeatedly guilty during travel can be punished with serious fines and travel bans.

A very interesting initiative and thought-provoking food for the Russian government.

January 30, 2015
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