Tours to China
Larisa Barysheva China expert

Tours to China

Statistics - a stubborn thing, with it, as we know, you can not argue .And the dry figures of statistics show steadily that over the past few years, China has been one of the leading positions on Russian tourists' attendance along with such mass tourist destinations as Turkey and Egypt .The number of Russian citizens who visited the Celestial Empire last year for various purposes, including cross-border tourism, amounted to 1, 47 million people, in 2008 - 3, 123 million .Let's try to figure out why this popularity of the region is provided .

First, it's worth mentioning the boundless tourist resources of this country, and secondly, taking into account the fact that China is a year-round destination, thirdly, the volume is constantly supported by a mass tourist flow from the bordering regions of the Far East, and well undoubtedly one more reason is business tourism, no country in the world is visited with such business trips by as many businessmen as China. Let's dwell on each of the prerequisites in more detail.

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Business tourism in China

The interest in China from the Russian business is growing steadily every year, the growing openness of the Chinese market to the outside world, the geographical proximity of our countries, the political contacts at different levels, the successful implementation of common investment projects, the holding of joint forums, conferences, seminars, thematic sessions, round tables.

China today is one of the main trading partners of Russia .The above facts explain the interest of Russian businessmen in the search for Chinese partners, cooperation with companies of the Celestial Empire promises new, sometimes unlimited, opportunities for business development .Today it is applicable not only and not so much to large Russian companies, more and more medium and small enterprises are involved in the orbit of bilateral cooperation between our countries .The time of the Chinese shuttle traders of the early 1990s has passed, now Russian businessmen are interested in direct contracts with Chinese manufacturers and for this purpose travel to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangsu, attend significant specialized exhibitions held in various large cities all year round .

Tours to China
Tours to China
Skyscrapers of Hong Kong

Increasingly, large Russian companies conduct visiting seminars for their regional agents in China, combining them with visiting Chinese enterprises, exchanging experience with foreign colleagues .However, so-called shopping tours, trips for Chinese goods, which are mostly represented by textile and light industry products of medium quality, are still popular among Russian entrepreneurs .Whatever one may say, the paraphrased phrase "everything that is done is done in China" reflects the current situation on the world market as well as possible .For small wholesale, most Russians go to the markets of Beijing and Guangzhou (Guangdong Province) .The cost of a business trip to Beijing with an air ticket from Moscow is from 800 USD per person .

Study tours to China

Taking into account the fact of close Russian-Chinese cooperation and the shortage of highly qualified specialists, economists, lawyers, political scientists, with knowledge of the Chinese language, we can easily explain the interest in obtaining education in China. Every year more and more Russian students come to study in the universities of Beijing, Shenyang, Changchun, Dalian, Harbin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc.

Sightseeing tours to China

Perhaps no country can boast as many world cultural heritage sites as China .Of a number of outstanding monuments, it is difficult to single out any one that could be considered a symbol of the country, one of the wonders of the world can easily claim this role - the Great Wall of China, and the Tiananmen Square, striking in its scale, and the admirable Terracotta Army of Qin Emperor Shihuana, and many, many others .To date, the tourist services market offers a lot of interesting excursion routes around the country that meet the tastes and requests of all categories of tourists .In the framework of tourist programs most often visited: Beijing, Shaanxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Shanghai, Tibet Autonomous Region .The cost of group excursion tours starts from 800 USD per person .

Tours to China
Tours to China
The great Wall of China

Beach holidays in China

The tropical island of Hainan, located in the very south of the country and washed by the waters of the South China Sea, offers ideal conditions for a beach holiday. The island is in a tropical belt on the same latitude as Hawaii, which is why Hainan is often called the Hawaii of the East. Healthy ecology, clean, healing air, warm sea and snow-white sandy beaches attract more Russian tourists every year.

Hainan is considered a year-round resort with an average annual air temperature of + 24 ° C, water + 26 ° C, but the best time for rest is the months from October to May. I must say, it is at this time you can try to find quite profitable hot tours to China, in particular, to Hainan.

Among tourists from Eastern Siberia and the Far East are also popular tours to China to the resorts of the Yellow Sea: Dalian, Qingdao, Beidah, but it should be noted that here you will not find such fashionable hotels of world famous chains and comfortable recreation areas as in Hainan, and instead of tropical palm eyes will relic relic pine. Season at the resorts of the Yellow Sea lasts from July to September. The average water temperature during this period is +25 ° C.

Treatment in China

A well-recognized all-China health resort is the Dalian resort (Liaoning Province) on the shore of the Yellow Sea in the north-east of the country. It is here that there are a lot of clinics and sanatoriums where successfully combine the achievements of both modern western and traditional Chinese medicine, the latest diagnostic equipment with the unique knowledge of Chinese doctors convinced that it is not the disease but its true cause that should be treated.

They come here for general health improvement, and with serious illnesses, sometimes after long and sometimes ineffective treatment at home. Every year the flow of patients from Russia to China is increasing, for today medical tours are among the most popular in this direction. Chinese clinics take tourists all year round, however, the greatest influx falls on summer time from June to September, when the swimming season is open.

Ecotourism in China

Connoisseurs of pristine natural beauty are pleased to visit amazing nature reserves and parks, many of which are included by UNESCO in the register of world heritage sites, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces .Fanciful shapes of mountains, mesmerizing lakes, beautiful waterfalls and big pandas attract more and more tourists to China every year .After the release of the acclaimed blockbuster James Cameron "Avatar" rapidly acquired the natural park Zhangjiajie, which was the prototype of some landscapes of the planet Pandora .The best months to visit China with the aim of admiring nature are April and October .

Esoteric tours to Tibet

Mysterious Tibet, "The Roof of the World", a holy place, attracts many pilgrims to it, and the summit of Jomolungma - climbers. However, it is not necessary to talk about the incredible popularity of the region among Russian tourists, yet the mountain climate does not suit everyone, and there are not so many fans of Eastern philosophy among our fellow citizens. Season for visiting Tibet is the time from May to October.