The fact that China - a promising country with a developed economy, does not know only the lazy one. China has long been transformed from a country of the "third echelon" into an almost universal miracle. And this despite the fact that until the middle of last century, 80% of China's population was illiterate. A low level of education is still preserved in certain rural areas, where traditions are of decisive importance. However, due to state programs for the active opening of schools, the problem of education in China was nevertheless largely solved.

As the Chinese proverb says, "it is not easy to find a good teacher; find a good student - a hundredfold more difficult. "

To date, more than 90% of the regions in China are part of the compulsory primary education program, almost 100% of children attend school, and the number of school children with incomplete education is constantly decreasing. For citizens of China, education is free, and educational programs are controlled by the state.

Chinese schools

As the Chinese proverb says, "it is not easy to find a good teacher; find a good student - a hundredfold more difficult ".Every Chinese student is trying to become the best .In school, children begin to walk at age 6, and before entering it, the children undergo the first of many tests .The whole system of school education in China is aimed at competing and achieving the best result, so the loads in Chinese schools are simply huge..Usually, teaching sessions are not limited to school lessons, but homes with tutors are continuing .Even in elementary school, kids are engaged with tutors in several subjects .

Chinese schools are famous for their tough discipline: for missing 12 lessons without a good reason, students are threatened with expulsion. After the end of the 7th grade, Chinese students take exams - this is a kind of transition stage to secondary education and entrance to the university. In case the student does not pass these exams, he is not admitted to higher school, and it becomes impossible for him to enter a university and a highly paid job.

Incidentally, the system of the unified state exam, which was applied in Russia, was borrowed from Chinese colleagues.

The exam is handed over simultaneously throughout the country, and according to its results graduates with higher results are admitted to higher educational institutions. Every year, the number of Chinese graduates who are trying to enroll (and in most cases successfully) in universities in Europe, the United States, and Russia is growing. A student from China compares favorably with his classmates: he is disciplined, diligent, responsible.

Higher education is

In China, more than a hundred universities. Chinese universities are, as a rule, small towns, equipped with everything necessary for a full life. Higher education costs 300-700 dollars a year. For students from rural areas, even such a sum is too high, so they are forced to take out loans for training. Graduates who leave to work in the village after the completion of training leave the loan repayment, but those who dream of prosperity and decide to start their own business should fully pay their debts.

Chinese universities offer different subjects of courses, different principles of teaching and have their own specialization .There are technical, pedagogical, linguistic and other institutions of higher education .Some of them are aimed at studying local dialects, agriculture, archeology, in other students who are preparing to become politicians, practice the skills of correct pronunciation and literate writing, in the third one additionally learns Japanese language .Leading universities of China recognized as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Chinese People's University, Beijing University of Language and Culture, Beijing Normal University, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Chinese Oceanology University and others..

Universities for foreigners

In recent years, the popularity of China among foreign students has been growing, and educational tours to China are becoming especially popular. The academic year in Chinese universities starts on September 1 and ends in early July. Documents in Chinese universities are issued in February-March, but before that time it is necessary to receive an answer from the university. The application for admission is recommended to be submitted in January. As a rule, a Russian secondary school certificate is required to enter a Chinese university.

Of course, knowledge of the Chinese language is desirable, but you can learn it in the learning process by attending language courses for foreign students.

And one moment. Almost all higher educational institutions of China provide students with a place in the hostel, but this must necessarily be agreed in advance.

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