To replenish the treasury of knowledge in the field of culture, history, traditions of the mysterious ancient Chinese civilization - an excellent occasion to profitably spend a vacation in the Middle Kingdom..To help you need: cameras, cameras, travel guides, and sleep at night, so as not to fall asleep on excursions under the eloquent stories of the guide .As for the sights, there are so many of them in this country, so it is worth considering the option of entering the chair of the Taoist civilization, renouncing vain life for several years and leaving for a long research expedition to China to personally study every pebble of the amazing eastern world. The .The second option is more realistic and tourist: in an accelerated mode to accommodate in a standard vacation an acquaintance with the brightest and outlandish corners of the mysterious edge .If you are ready, let's go!

The capital of China is the mysterious Beijing

We take a plane to the city of amazing contrasts, picturesque Beijing, whose streets are struck by their diversity, bright unusual smells, an abundance of bizarre variations of all kinds of vehicles, and we rent a bicycle that will cost 5 yuan / hour, 40 yuan / day for the usual large, and 8 yuan / hour, 50 yuan / day - for mountain or high-speed .You can, of course, take a taxi if the bank account allows, the price per kilometer is from 1, 40 yuan to 2, 50 yuan, or go down to the subway and for 2 yuan to reach the destination $ $ .But you will experience all the freedom of movement, riding a two-wheeled horse..

Journey to China

To begin with, we rush to the central square - Tiananmen Square, which is considered the world's largest .We have time to be photographed near the stately Monument to People's Heroes and the Mao Zedong Mausoleum, the main pillars of the ancient metropolis .The next stop in Guogun, which from the melodious Chinese translates as "Palace of former rulers" .The place is, indeed, the legendary .The former residence of 24 Chinese emperors, formerly the "Purple Forbidden City", is a complex consisting of 9999 (as important symbolicity figures for the Chinese!) Of various structures: Taihe Dian - Pavilion of High Harmony, Zhonghe Dian - Pavilion of Full Harmony, and Baohe Dian - Pavilion of Preserved Harmony .Surrounded by architectural masterpieces of stunning beauty, you will personally see that the biggest and best-preserved palace complex in the world is in front of you - $ .You can meditate on the transience of being in the Imperial Garden - Yuhua Yuan, after waiting in the pleasant shade of picturesque vegetation midday heat .Visiting the Forbidden City will cost 60 yuan, the gate is open to 20 .00 every day .Having gained strength, it's time to rush on, to the next attraction, which is considered to be the symbol of China .

A march-throw of 60 kilometers, just as much needs to be overcome from Beijing to the Gate of the 6000-kilometer Great Wall of China, Badaling Gate, is not a problem for curious tourists wishing to touch one of the true wonders of the world with their own hands. At least, it will not be a shame to Mao Zedong, whose dictum is sealed on the wall: "If you have not visited the Great Wall of China, you are not a real Chinese." To please the old man it is possible, having paid for an input only 45 yuan, with services of the lift - 125.

Traces of fatigue as a hand will remove when visiting the Tiantan - Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of the Ming dynasty. The walls of the Temple are impregnated with mysticism, because this is the former site of the ritual sacrifice of Heaven in the name of the welfare of the people of the country. Even a quiet whisper, uttered at the edge of the Wall of Ech, to which one of the pavilions of the Temple is enclosed, will resonate with a deafening roar. The cost of the visit is 35 yuan.

A lot of time in the walls of the unique monument, it's time to go to the Beijing Zoo, one of the best in the world where acquaintance with pandas, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, hippopotamuses, rare Ussuri tigers, bamboo bears, loud golden monkeys, white-deer, red-necked cranes great pleasure. And, for only 100 yuan.


If your schedule is scheduled to visit the island of Hainan, there is an excellent reason to look into the town of Sanya, where the good Chinese tradition of expensive guests is treated with tea with observance of all the ritual features .At the same time, hospitable hosts will not fail to boast a breathtaking view of the city, opening from the top of the Oleniha Mountain, spicing a story about the history of this place with legends and myths .Another curiosity is the island of the Monkeys, in the jungle of which there are more than 2000 guanxi macaques .According to the brightness of the impressions with the monkey show, only the museum of butterflies and insects of the tropical countries of Asia, America and Africa and the museum of sea shells and shellfishes of the South China Sea (the ticket price is 30 yuan) can argue .Lovers of biology will survive here a real scientific catharsis .

Hong Kong

Another city worthy of tourist attention is Hong Kong, famous for the Victoria peak, from the viewing platform of which you can admire the "skyscraper" paradise of modern China. But in addition to the achievements of civilization, local residents proudly demonstrate to all those who wish to experience the ancient fishing villages of the 19th century, hiding among banana plantations and green valleys planted with tea. And even rolled on a makeshift boat over rough seas.


Hardy is worth a ride to Shanghai, where a unique collection of the local museum Shanghai Bowuguan will reveal the veil of the mystery of Chinese history. It is open daily from 9.00 to 17.00, on Saturdays from 9.00 to 20.00, is located on the People's Square (RenMin GuanChang), admission is free.

Chinese market - Silk Street in Beijing

Other sights of China are

This, of course, is a non-exhaustive list of interesting places hiding under the intricate roofs of Chinese houses that seem fabulously touching against the backdrop of a bright blue sky..In the outskirts of Beijing, Beihai Park will open its doors, through which the cool waters of the North Lake stretch to the sun with the stone ridge of the Jade Island rewarded by the visit of the Dalai Lama .A special atmosphere will be enchanted by the Summer Palace of Yaheyuan (Yiheyuan), where you can plunge into the vibrant waves of Lake Kunming, which often becomes a place for windsurfing .And the Jingshan Park, and the Lamaist Temple of Yonghegun, and the Confucius Temple and the Imperial School adjacent to it, and the Ming family's imperial cemetery, the Great Bell Temple ... In the whirlwind of faces, voices, colors, sounds, showcases, paints, architecture, mosaics, is wearing something of his own, secret and unforgettable .

Excursions + beaches

If you have planned to devote a holiday to a relaxing holiday on the golden beaches of an exotic country, believe me, China will not disappoint $ ±.It is worth paying attention to Baidah, the resort area of ​​Qinghuangdao city on the Yellow Sea coast, dotted with sanatoriums, hotels, entertainment facilities and, of course, evoking enthusiastic squeak at all beach animals .You can get from Beijing by train in just 3, 5 hours .The best time for sunbathing is the end of August and the beginning of September, however, be prepared that the abundance of Russian tourists can compete with the rush among wealthy Chinese who like to hold conventions in comfortable hotel halls of Baidah, presentations and seminars .

The beach service of the resort is pleasantly surprised by the quickness of the staff, the possibility to use the beach equipment free of charge, and in the evenings the streets are lit up by the magical glow of the garlands with which all the trees are covered. Traveling around the city is better by bus, and route number 15 is the most popular, the fare is 1 yuan, although you can, of course, boo and taxi, spending 10 yuan per trip.

Long enjoyed the popularity of the beaches of Hainan Island, the southern province of China .Chic sandy ridges along the warm sea of ​​yellowish shade, eternal summer, low prices - there is no hindrance from tourists all year round .The main areas of accommodation for tourists are Dragon Gulf, Yalong Bay with white sand and quaint rocks replacing each other, Sanyavan Bay with the longest beach and short road to the Buddhism Center "Nanshan" and Gulf of the Great East Sea, Dadonghai (Dadonghai) - the most beautiful in China is .Knowingly the beaches of this island are called "Chinese Hawaii", after all, waking up every morning and breathing in the fresh air saturated with sea freshness and aromas of tropical flowers, and then after a light breakfast, plunging into the milk waters of the Yellow Sea and substituting the pale sun for the pale little knees, you begin to comprehend the truth of the subtle philosophy of the East, which is based on the ability to enjoy every moment .

In addition to the idle "sunshine", China's resorts also provide an opportunity to undergo treatment, for example, at the hot springs of Nantyan, known as the "Pearl River". A unique sanatorium complex with 36 different baths with different temperatures and different mineral composition is on the island of Hainan. Therapeutic additives, mineral salts, coconut milk and coffee - natural ingredients will strengthen the effect repeatedly.
The Great Wall Badaling in Beijing Excursion tours to China
Coves Hainanhttp: // export = view & id = 14WPfoswQcx_6DlKe-Yy-PxOzNwkpFpG2 Excursion tours to China
Merry Buddha, Hainanhttp: // export = view & id = 1Oj6QksroOjCE1dgaSFQeK6xTM3Jg9h-0 Excursion tours to China

Excursions + shopping

It's no secret that the lion's share of tourists goes to a mysterious eastern country not for the teachings of the Dalai Lama, but rather for the lama's fur coats and ostrich bags..And an endless stream of Chinese clothes, fruit sweets, miraculous medical powders and tinctures, creative searches of crazy Chinese artisans, ornaments, silk bedspreads, porcelain plates and much more fly in bags, suitcases, bags, backpacks in all directions..The main thing is not to lose with the price and place of purchase of the necessary goods .And the latest in China is a lot of .

Let's start with Beijing, where the Silk market enjoys the greatest demand among foreigners, while Russians have the Yabalu market .On Yun'anli Street you can buy silk, linen, bedding of the most unexpected and extravagant colors and patterns by kilograms .The most profitable way is to buy in bulk and do it better in the Yabaolu market, which is an endless chain of shops of private traders .The district of "small Russia", as this quarter of Beijingers call it, specializes in the trade of clothing and light industry goods .Here for a long time and effectively operates a system that includes even sending the goods to the right place .Old Wangfujing Street will delight shopaholics with famous fashion apparel manufacturers, which is presented in comfortable, air-conditioned shopping centers of Shida and Dong'an .Famous tourists, the giant store "Friendship", as well as the shopping center "Saytek" (called by many old name "Zwick") are on the street Jiaygomenway-Dajie .

If you suddenly did not find a blouse with buttons of the right color, you can try your luck in the capital of European-Asian trade - Urumqi. Being close to the borders of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the city has long turned into solid commercial warehouses and bases, the largest of which are Benjan and Hualin. The local assortment of goods will sweep away even the most indifferent to shopping man. There is also a branch of the company "Chuan Chzhu Dzyz", the world-famous preparation of the traditional "Beijing duck."

Many of our tourists who live in the Far East, believe that the most grateful shopping in Manchuria, where the main criterion of turnover is the price. If you are chasing the quantity, you are here. Also in Manchuria, the most profitable exchange rate. By the way, the less you hear a Russian-speaking speech in the market, the lower prices are.

As for the peculiarities of trade in China, it is worth remembering the most important principle: to bargain always, to bargain with everyone, to bargain for any occasion! And, to do it better emotionally, loudly, do not let the already miserable price from the goods you like, but get a lot of fun and drive. And again: do not be surprised if at noon in front of your nose benches begin to rapidly close, just in China it's time for a holy dinner.

China - a unique country and discovering it for yourself, every time you are amazed how many more unexplored, terrific and alluring it is concealing its depth. "Knowledge is a treasure that everywhere follows those who have it." Another Chinese wisdom, which is worth thinking about at leisure.

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Excursion tours to China