Traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacology and philosophy are inextricably linked and are the true heritage of China. In ancient works - "The Treatise on the medicines of the Emperor Shen-nun," the treatise "Difficult Questions", "The Yellow Emperor's Treatise on the Internal" and many others - transferred medical knowledge, intertwined with the Chinese worldview.

Chinese medicine considers a person as a small universe, which is in close connection with the surrounding world. Chinese medicine proceeds from the existence of two principles of Yin and Yang - female and male, in constant interaction. Some organs are considered Yin (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen), and part - Yang (stomach, gall bladder, bladder, large intestine and small intestine). From the balance of Yin and Yang, the state of the organism depends.

 Treatment in China
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The concept of Chinese medicine is

Chinese medicine also uses the concept of "five elements" .It is believed that the five elements - the elements that make up the whole universe - wood, earth, fire, water and metal, exist in everything, interacting, suppressing and balancing each other .Each element corresponds to certain pairs of organs: fire - small intestine and heart, earth - stomach and spleen, metal - large intestine and lungs, water - bladder and kidneys, wood - gallbladder and liver..Violations in these five centers are considered factors of disease occurrence .

Chinese medicine claims that human life and the functioning of the body are subject to annual, seasonal, daily and other natural cycles. Chinese treatises also describe the channels that connect the internal organs and active points on the body. The channels are called meridians and collaterals, the Qi energy moves through them. Active body points are used in Chinese methods of treatment - acupuncture, massage and cauterization.

Traditional Chinese medicine studies a person, not just his illness .Chinese doctors argue that the disease - it's just a symptom of the imbalance in the body, so the diseases are recognized at the earliest stages .From Western Chinese medicine is distinguished by the fact that the treatment is aimed at studying and working with the cause of the disease state, rather than on the investigation .Doctors believe that a person must necessarily visit a doctor at five, thirty and fifty years old, at this time there is a high probability of imbalance in the body .

Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine recognize and take into account the influence of human emotions on the state of the body. Negative emotions can reduce immunity and lead to illness.

There is one interesting story from the life of the doctor Hua To. After examining the patient, the doctor took a large amount of money for treatment and left without leaving any indication, except for a letter with curses. Hua Tuo decided that only anger will help the patient recover. And it happened. From severe anger, the patient had a vomiting, and after a short time he recovered.


Methods of Chinese diagnostics have the oldest roots .To determine the causes of the disease, a holistic diagnostic complex is used, consisting of four parts - visual, auditory, oral and tactile .First of all, eyes, nose, mouth and ears are examined, then skin condition is .Auditory examination consists in listening to the voice and sounds emanating from the patient .During an oral examination, the doctor asks the patient about his lifestyle, nutrition, the onset of the illness, learns other important aspects of the $ ±.A tactile examination consists of body palpation and pulse diagnosis .Listening to the pulse is an important part of traditional Chinese diagnostics and takes sometimes quite a while .

Treatment methods

For the treatment methods of acupuncture and moxibustion, medicinal therapy, massage, banks, special diet, gymnastics Qigong and other psychophysiological methods are used. Acupuncture is a unique achievement of Chinese medicine, used to treat many diseases. Specific metal needles are injected into special points of the body, and the depth of the injection varies from 0.2 to 3.5 cm.

Traditional Chinese pharmacology is extremely rich in knowledge. One of its main sources is the Chinese treatise "The General Code of Roots and Herbs". It describes 1734 medicines, of which 1074 medicines are of vegetable origin, 217 - mineral and 443 - animals.

Popular health resorts

The most popular Chinese health centers and medical centers in Beijing, Dalian, Urumqi and Hainan Island. In China, the prices for treatment are quite low, clinics use modern equipment and highly qualified personnel. Large medical centers contain, as a rule, Russian-speaking translators. The number of patients from Russia and CIS countries who come for treatment is increasing every year.

Medical tourism in China is
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