Traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology have long and quite deservedly attracted interest around the world. Eastern medicine has the oldest roots - one of the first books on Chinese medicine is "Neijing" or "The Yellow Emperor's Treatise", compiled more than two thousand years ago and absorbing almost all the information about medicine that existed at that time in China. ±​​$ br >

Chinese doctors use medicines of animal and vegetable origin, various types of massage, acupuncture, cauterization and gymnastics of Qigong. One of the best places to treat in China is Dalian, in which doctors are said to be able to cure almost anything.

Treatment in Dalian
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Treatment in Dalian
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Dalian Medical University

The most famous medical center of the city can be called "Shengu", received the title of Advanced Clinical Hospital .It combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine .The profile of the center is very wide - diseases of the respiratory system, internal secretion, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and musculoskeletal system, as well as gynecological and skin diseases .In addition, the center provides prevention of many diseases, getting rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction and cosmetic procedures..

By the way, in the center of the "Golden Stone" you can not only undergo treatment, but also learn the basics of Chinese medicine.

Many visitors to Dalian are interested in the Primorsky Military Hospital, which until recently was allowed only by the Chinese military authorities. The hospital offers, perhaps, the widest range of studies and analyzes, and its main profile is the diseases of the joints, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. And, according to the patients' reports, there is no better place to treat spine diseases in Dalian.

No less famous are other local medical centers, including the "Sea Castle", "Horizon", "Japanese Water Healing" and "Concord."

The popularity of Dalian hospitals is very favorably influenced not only by the quality of services provided, but also by a number of well-known patients. In 2001, for example, Boris Yeltsin was treated here.
Surroundings of Dalian Treatment in Dalian
Bright colors of Dalian Treatment in Dalian
Nature of Dalian Treatment in Dalian
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Treatment in Dalian